Anonymous8: Anon6 this is an Avatar that Jaiden uses in her videos as an mouthpiece to get her point across in her videos. It's not real the same goes for this picture. Acting like a baby white knight and bitching about it isn't going to help Jaiden out in any way or form all it will do is bring her unnecessary negative attention. So if you actually care for her as a person just let fictional porn pics of her slide and focus on yourself more other than someone else that'll you'll never ever meet.
Anonymous11: @Anonymous: that’s not her avatar bro, it’s a drawing of the real person (if you really can’t tell the difference, this art shows her with a nose, human proportions, lips, eyelids, etc.)
Anonymous16: @Anonymous: .....if I had Alex Mercer's powers. (from the game prototype, and prototype 2) I'd absolutely mutilate you...! (read this in a cold, emotionless, serious tone of voice... because that's exactly how I'm speaking as I write this.)
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beheaded! Bloody mess all over my clothes!
all my collection! Adorns my room on bamboo poles!
it used to be a little but a little got more & more!
now I'm craving yours!
night brings bad dreams! Bad dreams & guillotines!
night brings bad dreams! Bad dreams & guillotines!
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