Anonymous3: No, angle. You should tell us if English isn't your first language, so we can explain these things. Try looking it up on or something.
Great animation otherwise, I don't find the angle all that bad but it could be better.
Anonymous11: Darnact, dude, this is awesome and all, but do you think we could have a zoomed-out and tilted-up version so we can see more of the action, plus the rest of the body? I'm not saying your animating skills suck, trust me, you're awesome, I'm just saying I'd like to see this at a different perspective. Also, can we have an animated Tak from behind, plz? That would be awesome in your style!
GMKosMos: Very nice work for a 1st try, you SURE it is your 1st try? hehe dam nice job hun, you must continue, this is a order from the Hentai Queen! lol :)~
Anonymous17: xXLethalAntXx: great skills man, very nice on the shaping of the face. shading was very good as well, along with her facial expression which gives her that naughty but innocent look that many hentai fans look for. on a scale from 1-5, 1 being no..just no... and 5 being that holy shit rating. 5 being where its at, that dayum daYUM DAYUM type of gonna give this a 4.5/5. the picture is definatly doin its 1,2 thing all up in this post, showin you a good time, every single loop. very nice job
Needs better angle.
maybe a view from upside would been better
Great animation otherwise, I don't find the angle all that bad but it could be better.
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More please.
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invader tak!!!! do it now!!
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