Anonymous3: BAh, If anyone, Tak should be fucking Dib (to his horror/lust "do not know if want" face).
She actually liked him since they both hate Zim.
Anonymous12: The girl is cannon, his old rival from the homeworld, she's the one that made him late for the invasion meeting in ep. 1, thow you don't know that at the time
Anonymous16: OMG you've drawn this EXACTLY like the show!! You should draw some ZADR versions. Pleeeaaase!! you'll make 1000's of fangirls very vey happy :D
Anonymous18(17): Anon7: Supposedly there was talk of a Zim movie at one point before the show ended. It was speculated that the movie would reveal that Dib had no father, but was merely a clone of Professor Membrane.
Also, from Shish:
@craggle and others - I'm going through the site looking for anything that's making it slow - the "Image Only" links add ~25% to the load times of the search results, for example. I didn't know anyone who used them, so I tried hiding them for a bit, and things were faster - but then a flood of people came saying that they did use those links, so they got put back.
Comments pages were similar - basically every step back in history needs more processing power than the one before, and random internet links were resulting in the latter pages (like, page 100,000) getting hit quite frequently, and each hit would lock up a full CPU core for 15-30 seconds. Limiting to 5 pages has helped with CPU use, and in my brief scan I didn't see anyone other than bots going past page 3 - but since you're human (I presume :P) and you've asked for it, I shall change that :3
Limiting by date might actually speed things up even more, as that can be optimised better than page numbers - when you said limiting to the last day or so, I thought that that wouldn't be very much and I'd make it a week, but actually a day is about 120 pages of comments, which does seem a sensible amount. So before I start work on a time-based limit, is there anyone here who will be upset if they can only read 120 pages of recent comments? :P (Comments on any individual image will still be unlimited, this is just for the "recent comments" list)
Anonymous20: I never found Image Only that useful but I'm going to miss going 40+ Comments pages back.
And wow I can't believe how fast the site is now. Awesome!
Shish: Fun fact (because the featured image is totally a sensible place for site meta-discussion): Limiting the "find recent comments" query to only looking at the past 24 hours has made that function 70x faster. It's only a tiny part of the system so it's not 70x faster over all, but it's still a fairly nice improvement on what used to be by far the #1 slowest line of code.
Shish: Actually, 70x less data to process and less memory to use; 600x faster in terms of actual processing time~ The comment lists actually feel faster too IMO. Thanks to craggle for giving me the idea ^___^
5:30am now though; I think 6 hours of tweaking is enough for one night ~_~
Anonymous23: finally someone believes dib, i was so sick of everyone just assuming he was crazy even when he was clearly right. they shoulda listened to him sooner, now they gonna have baby aliens to deal with.
Shish: @biggerstaff I was only half tongue-in-cheek, the featured image is probably an ok place for open discussion all things considered. The IRC channel is a much better tool, but has a smaller audience...
Though if you specifically want my attention, rather than general discussion, highlighting me on IRC is much more likely to get a response (if I'm awake); and for software issues, there is a formal issue tracker to stop bug reports and feature requests from getting lost in the noise -->
Phoenix_Wright: After Jhonen Vasquez had a falling out wth Nickelodeon , in one episode if you look the kid in Zim's lab for experimentation that has his name "Nick" on his shirt, later on it says "FUCK" to mess with the censors.
Krawczyk: OH
so that's where that thing went
I lost the link to that long ago.
Actually image only is pretty necessary. Something keeps hanging up non-broadband users (ISDN and below)
After about 360-400kb bigger pictures will halt and not save their position UNLESS you are using DTA. So i've gotten quite a few notes from people who look at the full pictures by DTAing a set first.
Anonymous31: The entire commenting system is useless in comparison to the View Image button. Probably because I never comment and rarely read comments.
Chef_Retardee: I used to use image only, but since I got a better connection I haven't had to. I'm to busy uh.. doing other stuff to read comments much though.
traffik: @Evil Lord Proteus: For about the hundredth time, that's not Tak. And the tags have been locked so that people who don't know what they're doing can't change them.
epic derp on a similar level of fail to Soapabitch helved_and_its/c3i9fqe
just changed the name, business as usual.
See, if ya'll would just vote the actual Nazis into power you'd be 20% freer!
>>It needs to get worse before it gets better. We need a really shitty piece of legislation like SOPA in this country to be the spark that ignites the lazy, idle tinders of protest. It's not uncommon or even controversial to say that Washington is corrupt. It doesn't cause anyone to bat an eye when you say it in public, with Republicans, Democrats or "other." That's a problem. We need SOPA to wake the sleeping giant in this country. It could have been our generation's Rodney King verdict. Instead of blacking out our websites, what we need to do is dismantle the system that created this bullshit. Enough is enough.
>>Instead of changing your Facebook icon to an anti-SOPA image for a day or two, here's something you can do that might make a real difference: boycott the companies that supported this legislation. There are too many to boycott all of them effectively, so I propose we pick two or three, hit them, and hit them hard. Punish them for putting their interests above ours. Hitting them in the wallet should send a message. I've highlighted the most difficult ones to boycott in red. The companies with the biggest return for our boycott are in yellow. The more we inconvenience ourselves, the more impact the boycott will have:
fuuuuk year maddox.
Although I wouldn't mind a more permanent and 'final' solution than just a mere boycott ;3
Anonymous36: Amen pencil, the comments section are what really gives the site character, and along with the features that burn into your mind (some admins like Titanium are more prone to this than others), the two keep me coming back on a regular basis to check what's new and how many more people are raging at the new feature than the last! :D
Anonymous38: Didnt Cisco start loading P2P distributed network code into their home WiFi routers a year or so ago? So if anyone tried to pull the landlines, the routers could switch over to pure Wifi mode, bypassing it completely?
The harder you squeeze a given situation, the bigger the resulting boom will be. And these guys say they dont want to give anyone else world destroying ideas.
And now, for something completely different. Invader Zim?.. Meet Pinky Pie. 8) Party on dudes. 8)
Anonymous43: Well Lamar Smith destroyed SOPA but all you fuck-twats forgot about ACTA which is even worse than SOPA and its about to pass on January 26th.
Anonymous46: -the image critic-
Hello, I'm the image critic. I, as you may have guessed, critique the images that are on this site, as well as make fanfictions of some of them. If you would like to see my other work, you can check out the Happy Tree Friends gallery on this site. My news page for that image gallery is on the first FlakyXCuddles image of the gallery.
This image is probably THE BEST THAT I'VE EVER SEEN IN TERMS OF CANNON-TO-SERIES ANIMATION! I'm not usually one for fan characters, but Zita ( the female alien) is quite impressive. I especially like Ms. Bitters' reaction to the situation. This has apperantly happens in her classroom before, as she has an emergency case for it! This is DEFINATELY going to be one of my fanfictions.
Anonymous47(46): -the image critic-
I've made a mistake. I put that Zita was a fan character, when I hadn't watched the series enough to remember that she was a real character, and the OC ( original character) has a different name. Sorry.
Krawczyk: So anyway, I just got around to uploading my very last snag from megaupload before it died. And it's a buttload of lulz.
Check it out here and temporarily in the news. pmo45d13d lwslxoxkyod
Unfortunately as they're all over 200mb, over 300mb actually, I can't put them on mediafire. If anyone here DOES have a pay mediafire account I do hope you will be proactive in hunting down all the old shows lost from Megavideo and putting straight-rip-videos back online. And I hope this is a great start.
This short series is basically like the goofiest most hardcore&gritty cop drama you can imagine from the 80s. Hookers and sex in seedy roach-infested motels, the main cop blows away badguys like Dirty Harry, despite being fuckhueg there must be at least one bad guy per episode bigger than him, he naturally gets saddled with a foreign exchange rookie as part of his 'punishment' for flouting so many department regulations...Oh and this is the STREAMLINE dub so that's triply hilarious.
we can also use some Jackie Evancho since The Duke left us and took the only one :|
(Or, well, a whole whole lot of live action peeps, really.)
But this post just gives me an excuse to randomly drop this and see if we can restore an unused tag.
By the way I noticed fapchan is back, AND brought a 34 board with them.
Feel free to bug them with /r/s and pass it to artists I suppose, until we get a rule35 board back. w00p w00p free advertising
Krawczyk: that's weird....
the newfapchan captchas were working yesterday but now I can't get them to load up.
Fucking goddamnit they must be using the same useless bullshit as 4chan.
Anonymous53(20): Speaking of cats, has anyone discovered that tiny cat easter egg next to the visitors counter? Clicking the cat and further various number rows leads to some weird pages..
Anonymous62: I can't believe this putrid shit is so popular 9_9
I take solace in knowing that it's only good because it's artists is a forever alone recluse who does nothing but this shit.
Anonymous64: lol He's too low for it to be vaginal
Thank god too. Wouldn't want any more of her self inserts running around fucking every character in the show like it's mom
and i concur with Baconface
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She actually liked him since they both hate Zim.
Meh, any sex with Tak is good 34!
Note the blue eyes and different antennae, plus the discarded clothing which doesn't belong to Tak.
Not Tak.
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I agree with Baconface.
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Also, from Shish:
@craggle and others - I'm going through the site looking for anything that's making it slow - the "Image Only" links add ~25% to the load times of the search results, for example. I didn't know anyone who used them, so I tried hiding them for a bit, and things were faster - but then a flood of people came saying that they did use those links, so they got put back.
Comments pages were similar - basically every step back in history needs more processing power than the one before, and random internet links were resulting in the latter pages (like, page 100,000) getting hit quite frequently, and each hit would lock up a full CPU core for 15-30 seconds. Limiting to 5 pages has helped with CPU use, and in my brief scan I didn't see anyone other than bots going past page 3 - but since you're human (I presume :P) and you've asked for it, I shall change that :3
Limiting by date might actually speed things up even more, as that can be optimised better than page numbers - when you said limiting to the last day or so, I thought that that wouldn't be very much and I'd make it a week, but actually a day is about 120 pages of comments, which does seem a sensible amount. So before I start work on a time-based limit, is there anyone here who will be upset if they can only read 120 pages of recent comments? :P (Comments on any individual image will still be unlimited, this is just for the "recent comments" list)
- Reply
And wow I can't believe how fast the site is now. Awesome!
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5:30am now though; I think 6 hours of tweaking is enough for one night ~_~
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Though if you specifically want my attention, rather than general discussion, highlighting me on IRC is much more likely to get a response (if I'm awake); and for software issues, there is a formal issue tracker to stop bug reports and feature requests from getting lost in the noise -->
- Reply
so that's where that thing went
I lost the link to that long ago.
Actually image only is pretty necessary. Something keeps hanging up non-broadband users (ISDN and below)
After about 360-400kb bigger pictures will halt and not save their position UNLESS you are using DTA. So i've gotten quite a few notes from people who look at the full pictures by DTAing a set first.
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now this is pretty lulzy.
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epic derp on a similar level of fail to Soapabitch helved_and_its/c3i9fqe
just changed the name, business as usual.
See, if ya'll would just vote the actual Nazis into power you'd be 20% freer!
>>It needs to get worse before it gets better. We need a really shitty piece of legislation like SOPA in this country to be the spark that ignites the lazy, idle tinders of protest. It's not uncommon or even controversial to say that Washington is corrupt. It doesn't cause anyone to bat an eye when you say it in public, with Republicans, Democrats or "other." That's a problem. We need SOPA to wake the sleeping giant in this country. It could have been our generation's Rodney King verdict. Instead of blacking out our websites, what we need to do is dismantle the system that created this bullshit. Enough is enough.
>>Instead of changing your Facebook icon to an anti-SOPA image for a day or two, here's something you can do that might make a real difference: boycott the companies that supported this legislation. There are too many to boycott all of them effectively, so I propose we pick two or three, hit them, and hit them hard. Punish them for putting their interests above ours. Hitting them in the wallet should send a message. I've highlighted the most difficult ones to boycott in red. The companies with the biggest return for our boycott are in yellow. The more we inconvenience ourselves, the more impact the boycott will have:
fuuuuk year maddox.
Although I wouldn't mind a more permanent and 'final' solution than just a mere boycott ;3
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spam that shit at everyone's mailbox!
The harder you squeeze a given situation, the bigger the resulting boom will be. And these guys say they dont want to give anyone else world destroying ideas.
And now, for something completely different. Invader Zim?.. Meet Pinky Pie. 8) Party on dudes. 8)
- Reply
Hello, I'm the image critic. I, as you may have guessed, critique the images that are on this site, as well as make fanfictions of some of them. If you would like to see my other work, you can check out the Happy Tree Friends gallery on this site. My news page for that image gallery is on the first FlakyXCuddles image of the gallery.
This image is probably THE BEST THAT I'VE EVER SEEN IN TERMS OF CANNON-TO-SERIES ANIMATION! I'm not usually one for fan characters, but Zita ( the female alien) is quite impressive. I especially like Ms. Bitters' reaction to the situation. This has apperantly happens in her classroom before, as she has an emergency case for it! This is DEFINATELY going to be one of my fanfictions.
I've made a mistake. I put that Zita was a fan character, when I hadn't watched the series enough to remember that she was a real character, and the OC ( original character) has a different name. Sorry.
- Reply
Check it out here and temporarily in the news. pmo45d13d lwslxoxkyod
Unfortunately as they're all over 200mb, over 300mb actually, I can't put them on mediafire. If anyone here DOES have a pay mediafire account I do hope you will be proactive in hunting down all the old shows lost from Megavideo and putting straight-rip-videos back online. And I hope this is a great start.
This short series is basically like the goofiest most hardcore&gritty cop drama you can imagine from the 80s. Hookers and sex in seedy roach-infested motels, the main cop blows away badguys like Dirty Harry, despite being fuckhueg there must be at least one bad guy per episode bigger than him, he naturally gets saddled with a foreign exchange rookie as part of his 'punishment' for flouting so many department regulations...Oh and this is the STREAMLINE dub so that's triply hilarious.
we can also use some Jackie Evancho since The Duke left us and took the only one :|
(Or, well, a whole whole lot of live action peeps, really.)
But this post just gives me an excuse to randomly drop this and see if we can restore an unused tag.
By the way I noticed fapchan is back, AND brought a 34 board with them.
Feel free to bug them with /r/s and pass it to artists I suppose, until we get a rule35 board back. w00p w00p free advertising
- Reply
the newfapchan captchas were working yesterday but now I can't get them to load up.
Fucking goddamnit they must be using the same useless bullshit as 4chan.
This is the first good and in character IZ porn I've seen. I love the kid nosebleeding.
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"No! Not my big-titty porn!" or something to SOPA.
But I needed a laugh, and this picture and the comments gave me MUCH more then I needed.
Yeah, definitely is.
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So yeah....imagine how much worse SOPA will make your country if they can already do THIS!!!
Are the doing upgrades or somthing?
Anon33 or anybody else that wants to know, Tak appears in episode 18; titled “TAK: The Hideous New Girl”.
I take solace in knowing that it's only good because it's artists is a forever alone recluse who does nothing but this shit.
Thank god too. Wouldn't want any more of her self inserts running around fucking every character in the show like it's mom
- Reply
thank u the superior one