CasualAccount: Then you all may stop clicking on this ''shit'' then, fucking hell you all are so damn annoying and childish
You know how much it cost to draw this? if it isnt for the theme of the comic, at last praise the drawing style because the old comic looked horrible compared to this
GoodPorn: @CasualAccount: Odd way to tell people they aren't allowed to critique something.
Do I know how much it cost to draw this? No, frankly I hope I never fucking find out because it probably is triple figures. Were you the degenerate that commissioned it? Like jesus christ this is such a fucking obscure nightmare of fetishistic intent that I cannot even BEGIN to comprehend it.
CasualAccount: @GoodPorn: Listen you fucking idiot, this is a porn site, you are exposed to disturbing crap like this, you decide to click on this on purpose just to complain about it. ''Critique something''? you are only insulting the creator, what critique are you talking about?!
Of course its a fetish! it is a porn site, what do you all expecting to found here? stop complaining already for fucks sake
CasualAccount: @GoodPorn: Also i didn't comissioned shit, i didn't even knew this remake existed until a couple of months back, this comic has been around since 2020, lol
Anonymous3: @CasualAccount: Yeah, but there's only so much of this you can put up with, since it's the same thing over and over, even though a fair amount of the characters being killed could actually kill Mowgli, yet some contrived nonsense always has him win.
I swear, the Jungle Book tag is just painful to go through unless you're blocking tags, since it's either this comic, or the same-old tired "Kaa hypnosis" stuff, and even when it's not that, you have some asshole spammer asking where Mowgli's ass is.
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You know how much it cost to draw this? if it isnt for the theme of the comic, at last praise the drawing style because the old comic looked horrible compared to this
Do I know how much it cost to draw this? No, frankly I hope I never fucking find out because it probably is triple figures. Were you the degenerate that commissioned it? Like jesus christ this is such a fucking obscure nightmare of fetishistic intent that I cannot even BEGIN to comprehend it.
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Of course its a fetish! it is a porn site, what do you all expecting to found here? stop complaining already for fucks sake
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I swear, the Jungle Book tag is just painful to go through unless you're blocking tags, since it's either this comic, or the same-old tired "Kaa hypnosis" stuff, and even when it's not that, you have some asshole spammer asking where Mowgli's ass is.