Anonymous5: ^ F that, give me some Abeloth and Vestara porn. I mean, c'mon, she's got tentacles, and Vestara's more or less a schoolgirl. I'm surprised it hasn't been done already.
Anonymous12: I prefer that Miss Star Wars 2010 unknown jedi knight human female from knights of the republic online. Glad shes unkown then at least 1 attractive concept jedi babe is protected from u wankers.
Anonymous14: This is...I don't have the words. Who *is* this Shabby Blue? This has to be some of the best Star Wars Fan-Art I've *ever* seen, and I've seen way more then is likely healthy for the average person...
Anonymous16: Who would have thought that after the end to Return of the Jedi, things would go so down hill. Here I thought everything after that would have been puppies, and sunshine. Now we have Han Solo's son raping and murdering luke's wife... Who saw that coming? =/
Anonymous24: Nerd moment: I prefer LOTF didn't happen. They killed off Mara without Zahn's consent or notification, and he created her. Personally I view the Star Wars universe ending after Vision of the Future.
Anonymous26: i'd love to see more in this series. maybe fall of the jedi going back through the ages recapping the many hot jedi raped to the darkside.
Anonymous31: @Anon24 I couldn't have said it better myself. After "Vision of the Future" the books just went downhill, imo. I just bought the books after that series just bcuz I'm a hard core Star Wars fan, but after they killed Mara off, I said FUCK YOU Authors and haven't bought or read a book since XD
milordrevan: @Anonymous: Yeah, killing Mara off was a bad decision. Some of the new non-post-NJO/LOTF books are pretty good. Especially Kenobi, which is pretty much a Star Wars western. Darth Plagueis was fucking awesome.
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what I'd like to see is some Ben and Vestara porn
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"Y-Yes, but worse than your mother."
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