Anonymous1: Darn, el_pajero is quite an obsessed virgin fantard if he has a crapton of spare money to waste on commissioning hentai drawings of his disgusting zucest fetish and spam them here on this website every day without ending.
Anonymous2: What, how does and where does he pull all these drawings from? His arse? Wait nvm, you are probably gonna lie because obviously you are just el_pajero's asslicking servant. Ha, you sure showed Anonymous1! Dude's probably seething and coping that he isn't a virgin incel avatard that's infatuated with this overrated franchise and constantly uploads porn of it and everyday comes back here to fap just because he will never get laid IRL. XD Seriously feel sorry for anyone who can't get a boyfriend/girlfriend and instead wastes their time on Internet cartoon porn and is named after a lotr creature because self-esteem issues, hey wait a second...
Anonymous3: @Anonymous: You, my dear, are what we call a Comment Fag. Which means one who assumes WAY! too much, get all things wrong, comment on pictures that one doesn't like & wasting space just because one hasn't got laid in decades from now.
Anonymous4: @Anonymous: Careful, you seem to have attracted the attention of a rabid butthurt fanbrat. Gee, Anon3 will probably go crying to their parents... Wonder how they are gonna respond when they found out their child is angry due to being a virgin and wasting their life on hentai websites... How about Anon2 apologises to Anon3's parents for having to deal with their stupid child? lmao
Anonymous6: i think its fucking hilarious when someone like anonymous1/2/4 pretend they are different users, its even better when the comment is stupid
Anonymous7: @Anonymous: Shut the fuck up you tard. Saying the f slur doesn’t make you edgy oml. You just went through puberty and your depraved ass is already on r34
Anonymous8: @Anonymous: The avatar fandom truly is a bunch of fags. Granted I hate naruturd but I have to admit seeing the Raikage rape Azula plus Ty Lee is fucking hilarious, here's the drawing:
Anonymous9: the kid is actually going through the effort of either posting on various devices, or changing his ip through a vpn just to pretend like he's a group of people
El_pajero: @BalrogDeMorgoth: Guy's probably borrowing his grandparents devices or stealing the neighbor's wi-fi just so that he can pretend he's talking to other people lol.
Anonymous11: @Anonymous: This comment section and picture are fucking cancer... then again so is this franchise and fandom so it's fitting. lol
@Anonymous: True, we need more pictures of Raikage raping Azula and making the annoying fanbrats rage in absolute despair. XD
Anonymous13: @Anonymous: Just ignore the zucest fans, they are very annoying incel weebs like the Twitards and furries that pollute the Internet- this overrated franchise should have never been created in the first place. Coincidentally, I found a picture of Azula getting raped by somebody else from the Raikage's verse:
Anonymous15: @Anonymous: Could you find more pictures of Azula getting raped by characters who are more powerful and can easily solo the avatarverse (e.g. Beerus, Post-Schrodinger Alucard, Elder God Demonbane, Rimiru Tempest, etc)? Bitch is a very annoying mary sue that deserves to get raped and mindbroken. PS: her fans are also very annoying, considering that one (Anonymous10) keeps commenting here for his beloved overrated cartoon instead of going out and touching grass (aka getting laid with a real woman), also I agree- Avatar should have never been created in the first place if only thing it does just spawns annoying fantards and pollutes the Internet.
Anonymous17: The concept of Zuko still fucking his sister after her defeat is quite hot come to think of it, inbreeding might make up for decent therapy.
Anonymous19: @Anonymous: Then Azula got made into a quadruple amputee and turned into a cumdump for everybody. THE END
Anonymous21: @Anonymous: Don't forget also these images!
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Also el_pajero is an ATLA mass uploader, he didn't make nor commission anything he posts.
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@Anonymous: True, we need more pictures of Raikage raping Azula and making the annoying fanbrats rage in absolute despair. XD