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UploaderGackt, avatar
TagsKonata_Izumi, Lucky_Star, Shadman
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Info850x717 // 510KB // jpg
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Yig: and nothing of value was lost
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pneff: uhm.... wow i srsly dont get it
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Gray_Ghost: Because Lucky Star is where time, intelligence, and self respect goes to die. Fucking kill everyone on this stupid piece of shit show.
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Chef_Retardee: And there was great rejoicing.
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Anonymous1: .....I'd still tap it.
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Miles_Edgeworth: For those who don't know, she's on a torture device called a "Wooden Horse".
It was supposed to be painful since the body's weight pushes your genitals down onto the Incline.
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Anonymous2: Body's weight? not quite, the body's weight combined with the weights that are hanged on your legs, it's a really nasty torturing device
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Miles_Edgeworth: Thanks anon 2, I couldn't find a way to word that correctly.
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Anonymous3: Yea, that's really sexy
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Anonymous4: that's damn fucking ill!
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Anonymous5(4): I understand,she has weight on her legs.....
But I agree with anon2 and anon4
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Anonymous6: I came really hard. It's combining two of my favorite show styles, lucky star and higurashi
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Anonymous7: Why is this shit posted? This isn't porn you dumb fucks.
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kyle724: A7&8 I see tits and vag. Dont like it? Dont Click, you fucking baby.
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Dr-Cane: this is DELICIOUS!
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Anonymous8: anon 7 & 8 here's little something from the rule34 FAG section:

"I think necrophilia/scat/Jesu is disgusting, can you take it off of the site?
-As long as something is not
•A fanmade character (aka Mary Sues)
•Asked to be taken down by the creator
•Or porn of something that isn't considered '34'
it will stay on Paheal. "

So why dont you two little cunts go suck your fathers dicks?
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Mr_Rule_34: .........I hate u gackt
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Anonymous9: kyle724 Because the human famale anatomy instantly makes it porn...
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Reign514: For hentai, this is domination....they use the "wooden horse" for sex torcher by just binding the victim and not using weights. Hot.......
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Anonymous11: first i was "ouch!" but then i was like "oh shit!!!"
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Anonymous12: The fuck is going on in here?
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Anonymous13(12): Agree with anon 12.The fuck?
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Anonymous14: Thats just fuckin ill !!
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JasonVoorhees: That has got to fuckin hurt.
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Anonymous15: FINISH HER
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Sodomius: This pleases Sodomius
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Anonymous16: Am I the only one who notices that Anon 8 is talking smack about himself?
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Anonymous17: ^Nope, but it's so unremarkable around these parts that nobody bothered to point it out.
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Anonymous18(17): (Same guy as above) By the way, people, this is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER. Not in pain, not dying, because she isn't real. Enough with the "This is sick" comments, please.
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Anonymous19: dr-cane i agree with u it is pretty good lol
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Anonymous20: She died peacefully
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Anonymous21: Shademan is a homosexual who was in the army. His pictures show Gore (From war) and it seems that he only does guro on female characters...(Cause he's gay) question is,why? Why only the girls? and why is he actually proud of his guro?
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Anonymous22: SAW VII.. Hentai Style... :3
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Anonymous23: first comment still wins!
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Anonymous24: Remember kids, "safety" first...
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Anonymous25: DO NOT WANT.
Or maybe I do want.
But, this I cant fap to.
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Anonymous26: your all pathetic :"(
konata forever!
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Hamodey1: WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
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Anonymous27: Whoops, i totally forgot that she was still here O_o
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Anonymous28: JUST STOP!! THIS IS NASTY!!! TheRealShadman has been arrested once!!! JUST STOP!!!
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Executioner: It's not illigal to make awesome art Anon 28
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Anonymous29: @Anon28
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Anonymous30: I'll agree anon 6 they both are two of my favorite shows, but this shit creeps me the fuck out.
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TongueTwister: This looks like something Executioner would upload.
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TongueTwister: On the other hand, the blade doesn't appear sharp enough to easily penetrate people like the one shown here.
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Anonymous31: executioner...your a fucked up bastard
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Anonymous32: @Executioner: fuck you
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Anonymous33: >Blushing while sawed in half
Don't worry folks, blood's flowing fine! She's gonna be OK!
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Anonymous34: @Anonymous: suck MY balls. awesome art is awesome, no matter how twisted it is.
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Anonymous35: Uhh.. wtf?
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GullyNully: Excessive nudity is what I like. Excessive brutality is not what I like. Combine the two together and I instantly wish not to live on this planet anymore.
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SwiperTheFox: Jesus...
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Anonymous36: who the hell likes this shit?
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SpunkMaster69: Unlucky Star
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Dickhead947: Jesus Tap Dancing Christ!
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Anonymous37: How can people think that a dead body of a little girl sawed in half is 'sexy?"
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Anonymous38: @Anonymous: they're anti-social losers of such pathetically epic proportions that they've lost touch with common decency and don't see how fucked up a concept it is?
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Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: Lol, sez the black cock worshipper.
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Anonymous39: ^ Lol, sez the mentally challenged furry.
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Anonymous40: lucky star? more like unlucky star!
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Prince_Bloodbat: Fuck this shit I'm out!
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Anonymous41: #killallwomen

Women want equality, then they should die equally.
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Anonymous42: You guys wanna play minecraft?
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Anonymous43: i dont even know if this turns me on, my dick is confused
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Anonymous45: this picture gets 0 out of 10 from me whoever created this picture seriously needs help 😨👎

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