Anonymous3: Younger Courtney butt is better in my opinion. I want to bend her over and stuff my dick in her tight hole and thrust and cum in her making her moan
Anonymous10(8): Oh, that's a screenshot that just looks like the page is broken. My bad. Call me autistic as you please, now. However, my first post was still correct, Koopa is a retard.
Stanley_Pines: @Anonymous: That's right: It's extremely stupid to criticize a loli image and at the same time upload an image of that style. And at the same time it was exposed that MainKoopa is an idiot.
By the way: If you are someone who hates loli, perfect, you are within your rights. But don't come to criticize those who like that in loli images. And even less so if you have uploaded lolicon images before.
Anonymous12: @TheMainKoopa: That's no excuse for being an idiot with a false sense of morality. One day when you are much, much older you will hopefully cringe in utter disgust when you realize just how stupid you are being at this moment right now.
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Complaints about people finding loli hot. AND YOU UPLOAD THIS?
God! You are a tremendous hypocrite!
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By the way: If you are someone who hates loli, perfect, you are within your rights. But don't come to criticize those who like that in loli images. And even less so if you have uploaded lolicon images before.
Don't see it much since public likes on Twitter aren't a thing. And it looks like Koopa deleted his account