Anonymous1: This bitch's art sucks ass. None of the canon characters she draws ~EVER~ look like the characters themselves (With the exception of Looney Toons, since that is the style her style is based on), and they ALL have the same fucking face. Different body, same face...same face same face same face. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
FapFapMan: @Anonymous: Why Do even fucking Care?! Dick Head! First This is her style fucking cock fart. Secound ITS NOT A FUUUCKING SAME SAME SAME FACE! What the fuck is wrong with this damn site? Ok id go here to beat my shit off to this and i get this carp? Like surosly this you pepole are the number #1 resaon i hate or sometimes love this wedsite.
Anonymous3: Awwwe, did I touch a nerve there, fapman? If you can't see she draws the same fucking face over and over, then you're a willfully blind asstard. Her art was Good for a while, until it became all samey. THe bitch is drawing everytthing looking like a goddamned Looney toon! If it weren't for the tags, you wouldn't be able to tell Britney from any of the other bullshit cookie-cutter drawings she does! This doesn't even look REMOTELY like Britney Miller! I swear, some people on the internet are just buttsniffin' cockholes with the artisitic fortitude of a wet cracker. Go suck Crystal's asshole somewhere else.
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