Anonymous8: Anon one being homophobic. Here's my impersonation of them. Ahem
"Oh LoRd It'S tHe GaYs It'S gOiNg To MaKe Me GaY oH lOrDiE mY wHaT a SiN dElEtE tHiS aRt BeFoRe I bEcOmE gAy EvEn ThOuGh I cLiCkEd On ThE iMaGe AfTeR sEeInG tHaT iT's GaY jUsT tO sAy I'm HoMoPhObIc On A pOrN sItE."
That's how I see it channeled my inner Mac here. Tldr =STFU
Anonymous9: @Anonymous: Dude there’s art of worse things on here. Be more worried and disgusted by that than some gay people dude. You know what else is a sin? Looking at porn. Grow up and stay your god damn lane you hypocrite.
"Oh LoRd It'S tHe GaYs It'S gOiNg To MaKe Me GaY oH lOrDiE mY wHaT a SiN dElEtE tHiS aRt BeFoRe I bEcOmE gAy EvEn ThOuGh I cLiCkEd On ThE iMaGe AfTeR sEeInG tHaT iT's GaY jUsT tO sAy I'm HoMoPhObIc On A pOrN sItE."
That's how I see it channeled my inner Mac here. Tldr =STFU