Anonymous13: @Katieg98: I can see it with the characters themselves, but. Then there's, you know. The whole Austro-Hungarian Empire thing.
IDK man, I mean they send each other Valentines and spend a lot more time together than PruHun, and sure they're shy but they can't exactly show what goes on behind closed doors.
Except, you know. Her wanting him to wear a dress to that Halloween party, and him doing it for her.
Anonymous18: News flash: The Hungarians hated being part of the Austrian Empire.
I mean REALLY hated. To the point where it was common in the days of Maria Theresa and beyond for Hungarians to despise anything German because the Austrians treated them so horribly.
The Hungarians didn't want to become part of Austria's empire. Austrian soldiers so brutalized the Hungarians under Austrian rule that thousands of Hungarians went over to the Ottoman Turks because at least they were halfway tolerant of other religions. The Habsburgs knew about this treatment the Hungarians received and supported it-to them, the Hungarians were an inferior race of heretics who were there to act as a meat shield between Austria and the Ottoman Turks).
To this day the Hungarians celebrate their ancestors who violently rebelled against Austrian rule and were inspired by the failed Revolution of 1848 to rise up against theSoviets in 1956. Hetalia is just flat-out wrong regarding AusHun; if any love exists, it's one sided on Austria's part while Hungary wants nothing more of him than as a formal friend. After all, it's hard to feel lovey-dovey about a guy who used to beat you and abuse your children, no matter how good his intentions are now. And seeing how they have Hungary doting on Austria and being happy as part of his empire (Italy hated it too BTW) makes me feel sick to my stomach.
If you want a good book on Hungary's history and her relationship with Austria, check out Paul Lendvai's "The Hungarians: A Thousand Years of Victory in Defeat". It's a great read and a powerful one too, great for dispelling the common misconception that Hetalia embodies of Hungarians and Austrians loving each other from their days together.
I can't believe I just ranted about real history on a porn website. *facepalms* I need to go to bed earlier.
Anonymous19(18): ...Oh, before I forget, for you PruHun defenders out there, Prussia and Hungary have a lot more in common historically than you'd think. Both of them were surrounded by more powerful states and somehow through great leaders and determined peoples managed to fend them off for centuries. In Hungary's case it was the Ottomans, Bavarians, Poles, Mongols, and Austrians, while in Prussia's case it was the French, Swedes, Russians, Poles, Hungarians, and Austrians. Both gained a reputation as dangerous enemies, the Hungarians for their defiant ferocity and the Prussians for their iron discipline, while both were acknowledged for their unflinching courage (most of the time). Both went Protestant and suffered under the intensely Catholic Austria (Prussia didn't begin militarizing until after the Thirty Years War saw Swedish and Austrian/Imperial armies devastate his lands and people).
Prussia has caused far less harm to Hungary than Austria or Germany, especially when you consider that the 1944 invasion of Hungary was ordered by a radically racist Austrian and his Bavarian buddies. Actually, Prussia was the only state in Germany to develop a stable democracy after World War 1 and the only state where the Nazis were never elected into power: Hitler became chancellor and had the Prussian state government overthrown. Austria and Hungary had gone far-right-authoritarianism even before Hitler became chancellor. The Austrians cheered the German soldiers "invading" them and hung swastika banners everywhere while the Hungarians eagerly signed on with the Nazis in the hopes of reviving their large kingdom. Only Prussia said "This is wrong," and the plotters who tried to kill Hitler were made up overwhelmingly of Prussians or groups who lived under Prussia and/or embraced many of his people's values of religious tolerance, progressive thinking about torture, etc.
In short, if Germany had been less like Austria and even more like Prussia, the whole tragedy that led to World War 2 and genocide might never have taken place.
Anonymous20: Anon 18 that is absolutely true but we are not talking about actual countries, but anime characters. And even if we are looking at the actual countries, even if we didn't like being under Austrian rule we have to admit that it helped us improve our economy a lot and we had more benefits, than we'd like to admit. And nowadays we are not necessarily angry at them, in fact a lot of our people work there, and the point of "celebrating" March the 15th isn't because we hate Austria it's more like a memorial for our ancestors. We just want to assure them that their deaths weren't worthless. Us Hungarians even refer to Austrians as relatives, they are our "brothers-in-law". About us being the shield between the ottoman turks and Austria, yeah, about that... We were the shield between Europe and the ottoman turks, we didn't just ask for help from Austria, we asked for help from everyone, especially the pope but we didn't get any, that means we didn't get help from Prussia either. So yeah you are not wrong, we just don't hate Austrians.. "In short, if Germany had been less like Austria and even more like Prussia, the whole tragedy that led to World War 2 and genocide might never have taken place."(you are talking about them like they are people...) yeah, about this part... You're not from Europe are you?
Anonymous21: just saying though, since like the 1490s-1700 the Austrians and Hungarians got along really well, in fact Hungary is the reason as to why Ferdinand I could afford to have an actual army to fight against the turks. It wasn't that the Hungarians hated the Austrians since the start, it was since the Austrians started getting really fucking desperate so they had to be assholes to their minorities.
Anonymous22(21): Also, in the 1700s, Hungarians made up a massive amount of the Austrian military. Now, if you want to talk about Austrians treating people horribly, lets talk about the Czechs and their Protestant communities.
too much yaoi/yuri. DX
IDK man, I mean they send each other Valentines and spend a lot more time together than PruHun, and sure they're shy but they can't exactly show what goes on behind closed doors.
Except, you know. Her wanting him to wear a dress to that Halloween party, and him doing it for her.
And DAAAAAAMN, Hungary! You're flexible!
I mean REALLY hated. To the point where it was common in the days of Maria Theresa and beyond for Hungarians to despise anything German because the Austrians treated them so horribly.
The Hungarians didn't want to become part of Austria's empire. Austrian soldiers so brutalized the Hungarians under Austrian rule that thousands of Hungarians went over to the Ottoman Turks because at least they were halfway tolerant of other religions. The Habsburgs knew about this treatment the Hungarians received and supported it-to them, the Hungarians were an inferior race of heretics who were there to act as a meat shield between Austria and the Ottoman Turks).
To this day the Hungarians celebrate their ancestors who violently rebelled against Austrian rule and were inspired by the failed Revolution of 1848 to rise up against theSoviets in 1956. Hetalia is just flat-out wrong regarding AusHun; if any love exists, it's one sided on Austria's part while Hungary wants nothing more of him than as a formal friend. After all, it's hard to feel lovey-dovey about a guy who used to beat you and abuse your children, no matter how good his intentions are now. And seeing how they have Hungary doting on Austria and being happy as part of his empire (Italy hated it too BTW) makes me feel sick to my stomach.
If you want a good book on Hungary's history and her relationship with Austria, check out Paul Lendvai's "The Hungarians: A Thousand Years of Victory in Defeat". It's a great read and a powerful one too, great for dispelling the common misconception that Hetalia embodies of Hungarians and Austrians loving each other from their days together.
I can't believe I just ranted about real history on a porn website. *facepalms* I need to go to bed earlier.
Prussia has caused far less harm to Hungary than Austria or Germany, especially when you consider that the 1944 invasion of Hungary was ordered by a radically racist Austrian and his Bavarian buddies. Actually, Prussia was the only state in Germany to develop a stable democracy after World War 1 and the only state where the Nazis were never elected into power: Hitler became chancellor and had the Prussian state government overthrown. Austria and Hungary had gone far-right-authoritarianism even before Hitler became chancellor. The Austrians cheered the German soldiers "invading" them and hung swastika banners everywhere while the Hungarians eagerly signed on with the Nazis in the hopes of reviving their large kingdom. Only Prussia said "This is wrong," and the plotters who tried to kill Hitler were made up overwhelmingly of Prussians or groups who lived under Prussia and/or embraced many of his people's values of religious tolerance, progressive thinking about torture, etc.
In short, if Germany had been less like Austria and even more like Prussia, the whole tragedy that led to World War 2 and genocide might never have taken place.
(I'll follow up tomorrow. Going to bed.)