MrAnon: @Starry_Bfly: One day, what you call "Cool" will be "Cringe". It is the inevitable flow of time. It is unstoppable. Just let people have their happiness. Especially if it's not harming anyone else.
troskc78: Sorry that these were uploaded this way.
Commissioned by SSH aka the uploader: RockAndRollGal42111
I would have preferred these edits and alts were posted like one at time per day or in a image hosting site link like imgur. I did not necessarily give SSH the greenlit to do this. He did it of his own accord. Wasn't even warned that he would be doing this.
ALSO Sorry to the staff for spamming the message over everyone of my edits. Won't happen again.
- Reply
Commissioned by SSH aka the uploader: RockAndRollGal42111
I would have preferred these edits and alts were posted like one at time per day or in a image hosting site link like imgur. I did not necessarily give SSH the greenlit to do this. He did it of his own accord. Wasn't even warned that he would be doing this.
ALSO Sorry to the staff for spamming the message over everyone of my edits. Won't happen again.