Killamajig: That's a nice euphemism, MrAnon, but "pedophiles" is really much shorter than "pedobear enthusiasts" and everyone knows what you mean anyway.
Killamajig: Given I don't want to fuck a child of six, I'd prefer honesty. It's also more accurate - not all pedophiles are necessarily fans of the appropriated character. The only common thread is the desire to use a child for their sexual gratification.
Anonymous4: @MrAnon: Depends, is He a native Born Citizen of the United State, it's possessions, or, Holdings?! If so, then Yes, I'd say it's possible, and, He'd have a sizable electorate base, behind Him, too!
Anonymous5(4): @MrAnon: Depends, is He a Native Born, or, Naturalized, Legal Citizen of the United State, it's possessions, or, Holdings?! If so, then Yes, I'd say it's possible, and, He'd have a sizable electorate base, behind Him, too!
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And I'm sure all pedobear enthusiests agree.
On a unrelated note: I'm wondering, could pedobear be president.
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The other, only one way to say that.
Mascot and parade? Or serious Oprah talk?
Which is nicer to you?