Anonymous1: I actually quite enjoyed the playful intimacy between max white-bunny and lily brown-rabbit... especially of the two stripping completely bare.
Would of been great to have had ruby also baring all during this latest love story between max and lily.
Anonymous2(1): I'm a little surprised that poor, poor max is kidnapped by a bear right after that... I wonder if comjuke & co. might consider a follow-up to this love adventure!
Anonymous5(1): Dear Comjuke.... Please could you bring on a follow-up to this quite enjoyable 8-minute video please ? would be great to find out what's happened to max after being taken by a bear from the tent out there.
Anonymous8: I wonder if so-called conjuke is working a follow-up to this, especially on more nude depictions of possibly other characters in max & ruby.
Would of been great to have had ruby also baring all during this latest love story between max and lily.
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