Anonymous1: Hey @firehand123 / firehand123 , is there a place I can reach you at? There's some stuff you uploaded from an older artist (tushiel) i'm trying to find more images of.
Do you have any more of their art you didn't upload?
firehand123: @Anonymous: Unfortunately I don't. I saw those images from Tushiel on their pixiv account which isn't gone but most of the images have been deleted. I don't typically save porn to my computer so I don't have any of his deleted works. Sorry.
firehand123: @Anonymous: After a quick search looks like he has a Mastadon account. It has more works than his Pixiv but still not all of them (the Gohan with Videl and Chi Chi set I posted isn't there for example). Here's a link: and I can add it to the source of images where appropriate.
Do you have any more of their art you didn't upload?