Anonymous3: Hey, I have some ideas for future art posts, can you draw Suki and the nude Kyoshi Warriors defending Appa from Azula, Mai and Ty Lee, and Katara rinsing off after cleaning herself from the mud fight with Toph?
Anonymous5: @Anonymous: Hey here's a novel idea to get what you want- make an account, scrape together some fucking money, officially commission the artist, pay him. Because right now you're just being "that guy."
ColdFusion: @Anonymous: I don't think he's being "that entitled pushy guy" I think he's being "that autistic kid without any sense of propriety or social context, who probably shouldn't be on the internet unsupervised." And I can't pretend I was -never- that guy. Thankfully, the artist I pestered completely forgot about me when I met him again later.
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