Anonymous5: Scum bags like anon2 digust me. Why the hell did you bother clicking on this pic if you don't like black people. If you don't like the pits work stop clicking on his pics, I'm sure this site has some pics you like else where.
Killamajig: Good lord, they're even stealing when this starts.
It's a fucking minstrel show. Anon2 is closer to the spirit of these images than the butthurt legions that follow.
sgw: everyone that made a racist comment is just a stupid racist inbred retard dont let them get to you their just insecure cause our dicks are bigger so i say let them say attractive and successful African
Anonymous15: I don't want to jump on the bandwagon, but I think people like Anon2 and the others are just trolling, saying something shocking for the sake of being shocking (although some may well be that stupidly racist).
Its nice to see Pit do some 'fan art' of Velma (or any well known character for that matter), (although I'm not a fan of the rape theme).
Anonymous17: fucking, finally there are more shitfucks like me on here that think attractive and successful Africans have aids, and that eurospics should die in a fire. attractive and successful Africans have some bad bad aids man.
-regards, NWA (not using my account because i am a lazy bastard)
TheKommissar: she went looking for ghosts and found spooks instead
and just like real life attractive and successful Africans, when they're committing a crime, they auto point at any and all white people who come nearby as snitches and attack them
Anonymous19: attractive and successful Africans are 12% of the population in America but commit the majority of crimes. It's not racism, it's realism. They are uncivilized savages that should be caged like animals.
Anonymous20: Isn't there a difference between attractive and successful Africans and black people? Even Chris Rock said that the attractive and successful Africans have got to go.
Anonymous21: Commit Majority of crimes? What are you talking about. I guess you got that information from someone else with the same like mind as you, and then you add it's not racism it's "realism" then call them uncivilized.
Theres many crimes that a downplayed or ignored commited by white people, not to mention since the systems caters to white people, you think the small possibly there might be some biased issues involved in what's being reported and what's not?
There's always white people stealing money from companies and employees which harms possibly hundreds of people. It's not black people starting world wide wars every 4 years over fake reasons killing thousands of people, or instigating wars by selling arms to both sides. It's not black people who made up a corrupt system which the whole idea is to screw over the average working person.
It's not black people starting fake wars killing thousands over fake reasons.
Anonymous22: >It's not black people starting world wide wars every 4 years over fake reasons killing thousands of people
Ever looked at African warmongerers, whiteguilt faggot? I'd like for you to choke on thousand inhuman monkey attractive and successful African cocks, but you already do.
Anonymous24: My fellow black brothers, you need not worry about a handful of trolls on a porn site. Take a look at reality. Look at the Latinos, who are breeding so fast that they will soon be able to overtake us and our culture with sheer numbers. Take a look at the Whities and the Asians, who are starting to breed and co-mingle with each other. Can you imagine the two most oppressive and vile races in the history of the world coming together? We have much bigger problems than internet trolls talking shit. We need to stop cutting each others throats or we have no chance. That's how the Latinos have been able to rise up; they stick together.
Anonymous25: The reason white men date asian women is because we take all the fine white women. We get to cherry pick any woman we want because the black male is the pinnacle of masculinity. Any woman who doesn't think so, spend one night with a brother and see what a real man is like. We got no use for tiny, slant-eyed bitches though, so go see if whitey will take you in; y'all look the same anyway.
Anonymous29: Bigger only got the stealing stereotypes from the la riots when its clear they steal while whites are held for domestic violence and being pedophiles
Anonymous31: Who woulda thought that rule34 was the place that a particular ethnic group would unite? Anon25-26 must think he's Martin Luther King reborn, but he's just a Derpa derp. :|
Anonymous33(31): Anon22, no shit. Monkeys can't build nukes. The fuck are you thinking?
Anon26, are you hitting on dudes? Rule29, niggerfag. :|
Who woulda fucking thought that Rule34 is the bastion of fucking reason? It's not a site for FUCKING PORN OF FAMOUS CHARACTERS. Just let me go buy one of those douchebag "scholarly" berets and contemplate world peace and shit.
If ya didn't realize cause you're one of those dumbasses that think the above is all true, this is a god damn satire.
Anonymous38: Anon2 needs to shut the fuck up and hide under his blanket like a pussy like the rest of his KKK pussy friends. KKK says white power but how are u powerful if you are hiding. And Anon2 is not a human. He's dog like KKK motherfuckers. KKK is not real ppl. They are just little ants. Pussy ass fuckers.
Anonymous40: It's surprising how well a comment section for a pornographic image can bring up racism. Just saying. I how people would react if I said, "Badly written? These people are crackers, not people." Personally, I think no one would care. After all you can't be racist to a white person.
It's a fucking minstrel show. Anon2 is closer to the spirit of these images than the butthurt legions that follow.
This is racism! Black people don't steal!
Poor Velma getting assulted, assaulted by sterotypic dialouge! ;_;
- Reply
sgw, thats as much of a stereotype as "everything being bigger in texas".
all people have dicks of all sizes, i've seen plenty of black men with dicks no bigger than a few inches, even.
this racist stereotyping is just so damn stupid, there are small blacks and even white men thick enough to choke a horse.
There are no ghosts, only attractive and successful Africans in the night.
Its nice to see Pit do some 'fan art' of Velma (or any well known character for that matter), (although I'm not a fan of the rape theme).
white power btw!
-regards, NWA (not using my account because i am a lazy bastard)
and just like real life attractive and successful Africans, when they're committing a crime, they auto point at any and all white people who come nearby as snitches and attack them
Theres many crimes that a downplayed or ignored commited by white people, not to mention since the systems caters to white people, you think the small possibly there might be some biased issues involved in what's being reported and what's not?
There's always white people stealing money from companies and employees which harms possibly hundreds of people. It's not black people starting world wide wars every 4 years over fake reasons killing thousands of people, or instigating wars by selling arms to both sides. It's not black people who made up a corrupt system which the whole idea is to screw over the average working person.
It's not black people starting fake wars killing thousands over fake reasons.
Ever looked at African warmongerers, whiteguilt faggot? I'd like for you to choke on thousand inhuman monkey attractive and successful African cocks, but you already do.
- Reply
I don't think everyone hear knows them ALL, only the one. Don't skip the line to 34, noobs. :|
Anon26, are you hitting on dudes? Rule29, niggerfag. :|
Who woulda fucking thought that Rule34 is the bastion of fucking reason? It's not a site for FUCKING PORN OF FAMOUS CHARACTERS. Just let me go buy one of those douchebag "scholarly" berets and contemplate world peace and shit.
If ya didn't realize cause you're one of those dumbasses that think the above is all true, this is a god damn satire.
- Reply
word u will end up like velma