Anonymous2: I agree , it seems to be that with AI generated images, all MOST artists seem to do, is make minute changes, I think that there should be significant changes if you're using a base image to work off, more than just slight color changes, do something BIG, or, at least, easily noticed, this ain't "Where's Waldo?", or, "Spot The Difference" for Pete's sake!
Anonymous3(1): This isn’t AI though. I think the only differences are the facial expressions and with/without drool? They are such minimal changes, you’d think we could at least get a cum alt, or one without the clothes or something. Also just realized he doesn’t have balls lol
KWAMBIX: @Anonymous: Of course they are not made with artificial intelligence and I understand that it bothers you that there are many drawings of the same thing, but many artists do it and what do you draw?
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