Knockers: Anon4, some HTTYD fan probably got pissed off and offended. The devs at DA rarely look at what gets reported, they just delete it and forget about it. Or one of the devs is a HTTYD fan and got offended.
Anonymous6: Hey just to be a critic, these 2 look nothing like Hiccup and Astrid. Hiccups not buff(unless he travels to the future, gets some steroids, and starts pumping iron) and hes got like a bowl haircut. Astrid just doesn't look like Astrid at all other then the hair color and eyes. Face is all wrong and I'm pretty sure if she's around 16 in the movie and she's got a bra size of Higher AA or lower BB, she isn't going to get a growth spert and pop up 20 sizes, plus she's suppose to be stronger then Hiccup and be the one "Wearing the Pants" in the relationship that I really don't know how it fucking works to begin with. This isn't me trying to be a douchebag its me trying to add some Constructive Critisism. :/
Anonymous10(6): idk if they can change their bone structure tho, and i really don't think he could become a muscle builder when hes a smart fighter not a brute fighter
Anonymous11(6): Astrid: Reasonably strong, agile, fighting ability.
Hiccup: Weakest little shit, clumbsy, no ability to fight worth shit and has to use the strongest F***ing dragon around to have any chance.
Everything about this picture is offensive to everything the movies established, Hense why it was taken of DeviantArt, Because 90% of the people, even though they may be fangirls who love the pairing know alot better then this bullshit.
Anonymous12(6): Don't listen to Freezer Anon11, your right.
Freezer doesn't know what hes talking about. He obviously lives alone in an apartment somewhere and dreams of crap like this all the time with himself as the lead role just to make himself feel better about his life being an utter failure.
But ya, this picture is pretty unrealistic in nearly every way so realism triumphed on dA, the only reason it won't here is because this site isn't regulated as nearly as well as dA is.
Anonymous14: @Anonymous: Get Off Of Freezer's Back He's Speaking The Truth Much More Then I Can Say For You Anon 11 And 12 So If You Don't Have Nice Things To Say Then I Suggest You Get A Life And Stop Dissing People When There Right And Your Wrong
Anonymous15: The facial expression seems to be saying to me, "I could still kick your ass, and you know it" whereas he's all "Goddamnit, she could totally kick my ass, and she's about to take advantage of it-me-fuck!"
Anonymous20: I don't think it's bad, but I personally think that Astrid is given way too less credit in fanart. Give her some muscles, she's not a stick. And btw I have no problem if both have some muscle. I think it's realistic for Hiccup to build some muscles. Not like his father, but some.
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It was an M filtered content on Deviant Art but it got taken down, which was bullshit 'cause there's nakedness all up on Deviant Art's front page.
Anyway. Love the steam :3
On the bright side, YUMMY!!! :D~
Hiccup: Weakest little shit, clumbsy, no ability to fight worth shit and has to use the strongest F***ing dragon around to have any chance.
Everything about this picture is offensive to everything the movies established, Hense why it was taken of DeviantArt, Because 90% of the people, even though they may be fangirls who love the pairing know alot better then this bullshit.
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Freezer doesn't know what hes talking about. He obviously lives alone in an apartment somewhere and dreams of crap like this all the time with himself as the lead role just to make himself feel better about his life being an utter failure.
But ya, this picture is pretty unrealistic in nearly every way so realism triumphed on dA, the only reason it won't here is because this site isn't regulated as nearly as well as dA is.
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Anonymous these days are retards.
Go home, anon. You're not Karkat.