Anonymous3: Or....anyone can do whatever the fuck they want.Fragile or not. None of your god damn business. Also, fuck you. I got your privilege right here fuck nugget.
Anonymous5: @Anonymous: Then you're right there, proving him right. Anti-white racism is real and no other race would tolerate racism against them in their own countries. GOd help you when whites stop.
Anonymous7(5): @Anonymous: No, because your kind is the one waging the culture war.
I'm not complaining about the cosplay in the image. Hesheit can do whatever heshethey wants, I'm not criticizing that, but that doesn't mean Anon 2 and 3 are wrong. If a white person cosplayed as a black character or an obviously Asian character, they would be witch-hunted by Twitter, unpersoned, fired, debanked, and evicted. This isn't up for debate because your kind has done it so many times.
I'm not complaining about the cosplay in the image. Hesheit can do whatever heshethey wants, I'm not criticizing that, but that doesn't mean Anon 2 and 3 are wrong. If a white person cosplayed as a black character or an obviously Asian character, they would be witch-hunted by Twitter, unpersoned, fired, debanked, and evicted. This isn't up for debate because your kind has done it so many times.