Anonymous16: jokes on the zerg, she has every sexual transmitted disease known to Terran,
later that day,
infestor talking to a ultralisk, "Ah man my crotch is burning and itchy lately."
Anonymous17(16): then i kill the infestor and everything is back to normal, fucking retarded infestor, i never let my banshees fly alone, and they are going to rape your dumb bitch ass! plus since banshees can only attack ground, your fucked, you can't send the banshee to attack my other banshees, real dumb shit move on zergs part.
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But then I saw the tits. Unhot.
Anyway, in other news, TITS!! Good Ol' big, juicy, lopsided, alien infested TITS! Yum yum.
later that day,
infestor talking to a ultralisk, "Ah man my crotch is burning and itchy lately."
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Sry,for got to log in...
Imagine how S H E feels :D