Anonymous1: Still acting like the secret village or the original comics or sassette or grandma smurf never existed uh...I imagine learning to draw different female smurf must be a tragedy for some artist
Anonymous2: That was when Peyo Culliford ran the strips since 1958. His kids ever since then added the secret village. Remember, Papa Smurf is said by right winged enemies to be a resemblance to Karl Marx and the original Smurf village a communist haven.
Anonymous4(2): Yeah, some say Gargamel is a Yiddish sterotype who does black magic. He created Smurfette to spite the male Smurfs.Peyo died in 1993, so his kids, who inherited the characters take credit for creating the secret village of other female Smurfettes. Sassette was created by Hanna & Barbera studios for the TV series.
Anonymous6(2): Yes, even though for many years until the arrival of Sassette, Lego has made Smurfette the only female in Smurf village. Many have accused Peyo of sexism for that. Still, Smurfette was very empowered during those years, even taking stands with the male Skirts when threatened by Gargamel or other enemies.
Anonymous9(2): Yes, even though for many years until the arrival of Sassette, Peyo has made Smurfette the only female in Smurf village. Many have accused Peyo of sexism for that. Still, Smurfette was very empowered during those years, even taking stands with the male Smurfs when threatened by Gargamel or other enemies.
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