Anonymous3: Oh wow! 21 girls in one image; this is definitely one of Yawg's best pieces and it's great to see this version. I don't even recognize all the characters but I am still certainly okay with them.
Anonymous9: or maybe the artist is just bad at drawing rats. not surprising, as they are also bad at drawing foxes, and canines, and raccoons, and felines, and group pictures
Anonymous20: felicia is hot as hell in this image but she dont look right with the furrys. not use to seeing this and i dont know if i like it but i do like felicia but she only one her.
Hanssen69: I have a problem saving this picture. Since the tag line is too long and I don't wish to be banned for Tag Vandalism I don't want to do that. I tried to save this picture and when I attempted to do this I got this:
The above name is invalid
Can someone send me the picture to this e-mail address:
fishmonger: @Hanssen69: So, if the file name is too long, therefore you are unable to save it... maybe you should make the file name shorter, eh? Perhaps you should use that little thing called "logic."
The maximum file name (at least on NTFS) is 255 characters long, this one is 307.
fishmonger: @Hanssen69: Okay, so how about remove the names of all the series in which they appear? If you want Princess_Peach to be tagged, you don't really need Super_Mario_Bros. tagged as well, do you? That's 16 characters you can get rid of right there.
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how come they havent made any Magna Carta 2 pics yet? i wanna see that elven chick
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Blaziken, Patches, Queeny - No
Ink-Eyes, Lucario - Maybe
All other females - Yes
Yawg - Hell, no!
Unknown guy - No.
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The above name is invalid
Can someone send me the picture to this e-mail address:
Thank you.
The maximum file name (at least on NTFS) is 255 characters long, this one is 307.
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I am using NTFS as my File System. I can't make it shorter because I need to keep the names of the babes on this picture.
Krystal, Jetta, Renamon, Freya, Amaterasu, Ink-Eyes, Blaziken, Patches, Queeny, Princess Peach, Jenny, Lucario, Carmelita, Lopunny, Kirara, Moogle, Felicia, April, Denise, Holly, Clarissa.jpg
That should be 191 characters.