Anonymous1: -
Ronnie Anne: “Carlota! Are you fucking my gringo again?!”
Carlota: “Oh I’m sorry. I should have asked first. Let me make up to you. Join us!”
d-feather: @McNeil8911: That """joke""" was never funny when The Spies Who Loved Me aired and is still unfunny today. Also, imagine hating Chillguy's work because it exists. I mean, he got me into hyperthicc and all.
Ronnie Anne: “Carlota! Are you fucking my gringo again?!”
Carlota: “Oh I’m sorry. I should have asked first. Let me make up to you. Join us!”
- Reply
Go complain somewhere else asshole.
This is a place for porn, not for complaining.
- Reply
Is it because that guy is a loser who wastes his time complaining about this?