Anonymous7: I love how dicks can cause so much rage, I for one love traps (although I like the regular female frankie better)so this is quite fappable to me.
Anonymous9: if u like dicks on a girl something is seriously wrong with you. could've been a great picture, but it was ruined by a faggot who is apparently gay and has a tranny fetish.
Anonymous12: RetroGamer14:just because you might not like chicks with dicks,dosent mean that no one else does anon9,and im straight not a faggot,but still enjoy ts porn...besides why are you even looking at the pic and commenting if you dont even like it you fucking faggot ass bitch
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If ya don't like it, WAH
Fuck /b/
Draw your own damn vaginas
PENIS=GAY, no exceptions
I still can't draw
That should just about cover the bases
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