Anonymous6: impregnating argonians would be like fucking a dog, and then having little babies that are going to be dragged down to hell by the bloody hands of satan himself, because THAT SHOULDNT HAPPEN
Anonymous9: Actually, you couldn't cross breed a human and an argonian. They both maybe humanoid, but the DNA scripts would be different. It's a beautiful picture as well.
Anonymous10: ^No, wrong universe. It's fantasy - there are
no "DNA scripts" - besides, who knows what weird shit future genetic engineering might be capable of...
Anonymous16: well anon 16 evolution is built uponrandomhood, the argonian race was possibly a evolutionary advantage for them to survive in their habitat, much like the human race. that or magic however crossbreding would stand really low on the coice of universal randomnes.
Anonymous17: A17: Randomhood is not a word. Anyway, it's a nice try, but the closest thing to evolution on Nirn is the Earth Bones, and very little is known about them, except various powers sometimes fuck around with them.
The Argonians were almost certainly directly created by the Hist. What clay they molded them from (if any) is debatable, but my guess (thanks to boobies) is they were modified from human slaves who fled their elven masters into the deeps of Black Marsh during the Merethic era.
Anonymous19: anon10, you apparently do not know the lore very well.
crossbreeding CAN happen in the elder scrolls, but the child always ends up being the same race as its mother, with personality traits from the father.
it was confirmed by the very creators of the elder scrolls, so dont act like you know shit, because you dont, fucknugget.
Anonymous20: A20: Ingame lore states that whie crossbreeding is well-known amongst most other races, it's entirely unknown whether or not argonians can crossbreed with the other races at all. (They are non-viviparous for starters -- either oviparous or oviviviparous.) There are apparently no *known* offspring, although it might be hard to tell if the mother said nothing.
Skyrim kind of semi-confirms it's possible, however at least for the Dragonborn bloodline. (Said bloodline started out with St. Alessia, an early human of Nord descent, and ancestor of most Imperials, but you can play a Dragonborn of any race.) The old kings got around a LOT. I guess "the seed is strong." Heh.
Anonymous21(16): also i love that she goess: Why do you use those i can't get any diseases. simply ignoring that while she can't be affected by diseases she will however be able to spread them.
Anonymous32: To all that are bitching about cross breeding, it IS possible. Pelagious the 3rd (probably butchered his name) is a half high-elf,half nord.
Anonymous33: and to all those uncultured fucks that say that crossvreeding vvith humans and argonians is not possible, I invite you all to read "The fall of Vitharn ( it clearly mentions a documented case in vvhich an argonian is impregnated vy a human and they have an offspring, all content created vy Vethesda for the "TES IV : Ovlivion" shivering isles expansion pack, nuff said
"I hate this shithole. Leyawiin is too damp and hot."
"Well, my hot-blooded friend, it's time to for you to get rough on me. Don't worry, I can take it. I am a warrior, after all."
"I'm only letting you fuck my ass because you saved it from those vampires, but only for tonight. Well... maybe again sometime... you are good at this, for a nord."
"Why do you use those? I can't get your diseases."
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also I would probably do the same, we could have a breading contest to see who could impregnate more.
no "DNA scripts" - besides, who knows what weird shit future genetic engineering might be capable of...
then you fuck her after "killing" the vampire
any vampires around here?
The Argonians were almost certainly directly created by the Hist. What clay they molded them from (if any) is debatable, but my guess (thanks to boobies) is they were modified from human slaves who fled their elven masters into the deeps of Black Marsh during the Merethic era.
crossbreeding CAN happen in the elder scrolls, but the child always ends up being the same race as its mother, with personality traits from the father.
it was confirmed by the very creators of the elder scrolls, so dont act like you know shit, because you dont, fucknugget.
Skyrim kind of semi-confirms it's possible, however at least for the Dragonborn bloodline. (Said bloodline started out with St. Alessia, an early human of Nord descent, and ancestor of most Imperials, but you can play a Dragonborn of any race.) The old kings got around a LOT. I guess "the seed is strong." Heh.
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"I hate this shithole. Leyawiin is too damp and hot."
"Well, my hot-blooded friend, it's time to for you to get rough on me. Don't worry, I can take it. I am a warrior, after all."
"I'm only letting you fuck my ass because you saved it from those vampires, but only for tonight. Well... maybe again sometime... you are good at this, for a nord."
"Why do you use those? I can't get your diseases."
"...What's that racket?"
Even tidied up, it's still not great.