feel the pain, embrace it! then prepare yourself for child birth, because it is going to hurt you a thousand times more than this image does, and then some.
Anonymous13: ^^^ Personally I think having a elephant sized dick shoved inside you hurts more, and having your elephant sized dick bend in three different ways seconds that.....
Anonymous17: @Anon9: Actually, an elephant's dick is only slightly smaller than it's leg, both in thickness and length, and is therefore nicknamed it's "fifth leg." If you want a dick that's long, thin and strong, go for a duck penis. Duck's have some strange penises.
ratsttfan: Aon3: Actually, it isn't impossible, for two reasons.
1. They're cartoons based on a comic book. They don't always follow real-life limitations.
2. Beast Boy himself has said that he can change parts of himself at will, and since he and Rae are comic canon...well...you can see where this is going.
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Beastboy's REAL power.
but nice!
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After that they just called him "Whale dick."
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And am I the only one who noticed how bent Beastboy's dick is in the second panal? Ouch
feel the pain, embrace it! then prepare yourself for child birth, because it is going to hurt you a thousand times more than this image does, and then some.
attack the weak point for maximum damage
Attack it's balls for maxuimum damage
1. They're cartoons based on a comic book. They don't always follow real-life limitations.
2. Beast Boy himself has said that he can change parts of himself at will, and since he and Rae are comic canon...well...you can see where this is going.