Anonymous8: Free Palestine! Don't vote for that zionist Kamala Harris. She wholeheartedly supports the genocide in Gaza. A vote for her is a vote for bombing more children. She has blood on her hands, don't let that blood get on your hands when you go to the poll.
Anonymous9: @Anonymous: So you should vote for Trump the Half Jew?
They're both in the pocket of Israel and the Jews, just like every other politician. You have to have an ulterior motive to paint Kamala as being the one most kiked.
Anonymous11(7): @lazarus: Btw, remember when Kamala cheated on her husband with her yoga instructor, jerked off a guy in a theater filled with kids whilest having her tits groped and did softcore lesbian porn?
Oh, wait... that was Marjorie Three-toes, Whoren Hoebert, and Melanoma Trump!
lazarus: I see your mother needs abit of fill. Haahahaa. Not mine, but yours, but yours, but not mine, but yours. I used heavy shield mechanics surrounding me, alongside later miniguns for security measures.
Anonymous20: @Anonymous: No ones buying your little left wing narrative shitbag. Honestly, people had enough sense not to listen to mainstream media with all their lies and gaslighting. What makes you think anyone's going to listen to some random raging TDS faggocrat like you, and on a porn site no less. Time to re-evaluate your life loser.
Dumb voice: "You're a fucking moron".
I don't hate you, man. But you seem pissed over something that doesn't need any more explanation. So I won't get into it being mind fucked. lol.
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They're both in the pocket of Israel and the Jews, just like every other politician. You have to have an ulterior motive to paint Kamala as being the one most kiked.
Oh, wait... that was Marjorie Three-toes, Whoren Hoebert, and Melanoma Trump!
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