Anonymous6: This picture is pretty nice! Needs more hetero and yuri Galerians stuff!
How about a gangbang picture with Rita and these black coat guys (a enemy type in the game)?
Anonymous7(4): @Anonymous: It's weird to see the male characters with the female characters. Usually in Galerians fanart the guys are gay. There are like no lewd pictures of Rion with Lilia because everyone is drawing Cain/Ash with Rion.
The name of those enemies are called "Rabbits" btw and I am also surprised there is no porn of Lilia getting screwed by an Arabesque or the giant purple mutant from Ash (maybe save the monster sex action for Nitro? She would be into that.) Your best bet is too commission a hentai artist but that requires money.
Anonymous8: @Anonymous: Galerians is of course a fujoshi-bait because these bishounen guys and that's why it exist a lot of yaoi shit. I wish more hetero or yuri stuff. Yes, I know their names of these mummy guys with knife are called as "Rabbits" but these black coat guys (appears in the Babylon Hotel) are also "Rabbits"? I thought only these guys with knife are Rabbits. These Rabbits with black coat are more rare and they can also some psycho attacks. The normal Rabbits are combat fighter with knife. A gangbang image with Rita and some Rabbits would be awesome!
exploder-dragon-wing: @Anonymous: I don't mind fujoshi. It has more to do with the art for them overwhelming hetero stuff. If you look at Final Fantasy for example, you get even amounts of gay or straight stuff to look at. For Galerians, not so much. What is very amusing about the bishounen characters is that I kind of like to "pair" Ash (the dude who kisses Rion in the sequel) with the girl Last Galerian Nitro even if it's stupid, kind of. I cannot see Ash being with Rion because they are enemies. The psychic trench-coat dudes are just a second form of Rabbit. A Rabbit is basically a servant soldier with no ability to speak and follows the orders of Dorothy (and Ash in the sequel.) The "true" Galerians are the ones like Birdman, Rita, etc. They get an upgrade in the PS2 sequel where they wear armor and fire energy from their heads.
How about a gangbang picture with Rita and these black coat guys (a enemy type in the game)?
The name of those enemies are called "Rabbits" btw and I am also surprised there is no porn of Lilia getting screwed by an Arabesque or the giant purple mutant from Ash (maybe save the monster sex action for Nitro? She would be into that.) Your best bet is too commission a hentai artist but that requires money.
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