Anonymous9: *Agrees with Rusted Gods and anon8*
i actualy read in a starwars book called "Order 66" a book based on star wars republic comando that twi'leks and humans cant "interbred" i guess thats a good thing for lyn me! oh and btw *raises hand* gay fag...
Anonymous14: **SMAK** There are NO GIRLS on the Interweb! That's the first rule of surviving around here!! Every girl is a GUY, and every guy is---confused.
Anonymous18: @Anon9 Dude I think humans and Twi'leks can interbreed. In the clone wars tv series there's a clone who ran away and started a family with a twi'lek woman.
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i actualy read in a starwars book called "Order 66" a book based on star wars republic comando that twi'leks and humans cant "interbred" i guess thats a good thing for lyn me! oh and btw *raises hand* gay fag...