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MasterTrate: Wow, this...this is beautiful! A true work of art! I came, but not because it is porn, I came from the magnificence of this work...the ponies eating each other out was a bonus... *tear*
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Anonymous1: Finally! It's done, thank you! <3
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anomalous: Indeed, this is exquisite.
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Anonymous2: Ten months flat
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licoriceswirl: Apparently I jumped the gun and posted the too-small version that tumblr resized.

Here's the proper size:

And here's the fucking huge full resolution version:
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Anonymous3(2): Absurd res version available here
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MikeOShay: Wow, this is just beautifully done.

Railgunner, you are truly a god among bronies.

...Christ, that IS some absurdly large resolution on the full one.

Also, dammit Twist you'd better not fuck this up.
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Anonymous4: Aw man, Twist should totally be all up in that.
Also the quality of this picture makes me jealous like a mother fucker.
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Kitty_D: Railgunner is my favouritest foal-fiddling fillyphile.
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HoneySmother: Epic :D
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No-Ink: This is very impressive, Railgunner. You put a lot effort into this and it shows.
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Anonymous5(1): This is truly a work of art.... Ahhhhh so beautiful, I am so jealous of Rainbow right now! xD
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Anonymous6: Dammmmnitttt.... I'd totally frame this... Except.. Its MLP porn so.. yeah.
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Anonymous7: I can't believe I'm going to say this... but it's almost too good of quality 0_o
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Anonymous8: IT. IS. BEAUTIFUL.
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Anonymous9: Become a digital artist of supreme quality


Make MLP filly porn.
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appealus: ^????

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Anonymous10(1): Railgunner please! Can I request this: Do a picture with amazing quality, about Soaren and some other male pony. Or throw in Spitfire too and make it a orgy! Please! xD
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Anonymous11: PERFECT!!!
Also, she made Dash's eyes less doll-like and creepy.
I like this artist.
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Anonymous12: So, does Scootaloo taste like chicken??
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Anonymous13: @anon10 : I think you're going to have to sacrifice some kind of animal to get his attention.
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Anonymous14: It's all I ever dreamed.
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Anonymous15: I know what they all tast like:
Rainbow Dash: like rainbows, obviosly. (fist best)
Sweetie Belle: Like fabric. (fourth best)
Applebloom: like red apples. (third best)
Scootaloo: like chicken. (second best)
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Anonymous16: Railgunner has a DA (FA?) account. I think s/he accepts commissions. Therefore, pay him/her to do some shit for you.
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Anonymous17: fucking piece of attractive and successful African shit this picture is so good now i have this urge to show my full adoration to it and its artist but all i have is this fucking comment
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Robot_Chicken: holy shit
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MikeOShay: A15, in Dash's EXACT words, "Rainbow aren't exactly known for their taste."

So either you like your vag tastin' nasty and freakishly spicy or she's gonna taste like Skittles.
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Anonymous18: I hate the fact that I can't frame this up on my wall.

Railgunner this is fantastic lol
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Anonymous19(1): I wish Railgunner would make more of these.... Fucking masterpiece!!!!
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Anonymous20: I dont think the saying "a picture tells a thousand words" is enough to describe this epic masterpiece
:,) (crying happy face)
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Anonymous21: Now lets wait and see if they got their cutie mark
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BlueKat: I absolutely love the artwork, but why is scoot tied up? She worships the ground rainbow dash flies over, and would do anything she asks.
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Anonymous22: I'm friends with a guy who has a canvas print shop. Maybe I could....
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Anonymous23(1): Best MLP porn pick..... HANDS DOWN!!!!
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Anonymous24: It's like the Mona Lisa of MLP porn
and Railgunner her Da Vinci.
By the way, where do you people find these?!
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Anonymous25: feature this already
its just too good
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Anonymous26: Okay this is messed up.
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dupgniedel: its epic, god faps to this
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Anonymous27: Fantastic.
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Anonymous28: aaaaaaaaand i came
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Anonymous29(1): Sucks that this hasn't been featured yet....

This is nothing short of amazing!!!
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moximoore: Dear lord...Justice for the pic and all. But the amount of wasted talent. XD
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Anonymous31: Now this is amazing!!

Yes, I jelly.
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Anonymous32: I really hope this is a professional artist, cause that artwork is just ridiculously good. I can't imagine someone with that much talent just doing this kind of art.
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Danielakiiki: I doubt he's a professional yet Anon31, dude's only 19.
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Anonymous33: I have clopped... there's no going back now. I am forever a brony now.
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Anonymous34: I love the detail in this piece of art. I find it odd no one has noticed the bit of drool from RD in the left side.
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Anonymous35: @Anonymous: If you have this pic, you gotta reupload it.
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Anonymous36: I always loved this picture, because despite the content, it's just so fucking beautiful. Like, damn. One of my top favorite mlp artists. But then this was taken down and I was sad. Glad I found this again.
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Anonymous37: THIS HERE.... THIS IS ART!!!!! *___*
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Anonymous38: WOW I hate ponies and I find this picture nice
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Shedy: Welp

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