Anonymous1: @Catchoftheday: about as clever as a retard jamming a fork in a power outlet. 1. it's played the fuck out. 2. it's inaccurate as shit and finally 3. retards ruining a good song just because it dares have the word of a state in it.
Anonymous2(1): no diss to Incog though, it's an easy joke and it's gets the doorknob lickers clapping. i'd likely do the same thing. besides, im hardly here for top quality writing.
Anonymous8: you know... I initially started reading this comic for some jack-off sessions, but after 300+ pages (MY GOD) I am actually intrigued by the plot and hope that Ben and Gwen get together and that when this comic eventually does end, it'll have an epilogue featuring Future Ben & Gwen married with Ben's canonical son from the show actually being Gwen's kid too.
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Yeah, that ain't Ben.
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