Anonymous2: Restartus: Well, we know she didn't, say, a month before April 18th, 2008. People can and do change thir practices.
Anon1 and Norton: I'm not sure it's so much an art style as cuttng and pasting together fakes with EW's head from various publicity shots and scenes from existing porn shoots, and then processing them through Photoshop filters to look like drawings. Which I guess is fun and all, but can't they match bodies to the actual body type? It would be so much better if her tits were as modestly-sized as Watson's, and not these porn-chick hangers.
Anonymous3: this reminds me of in the last movie when ron says after speaking something in pparseltoung " harry talks in his sleep, you ever notice that?" hermione pauses just for a second as if she slept with harry b4
Anon1 and Norton: I'm not sure it's so much an art style as cuttng and pasting together fakes with EW's head from various publicity shots and scenes from existing porn shoots, and then processing them through Photoshop filters to look like drawings. Which I guess is fun and all, but can't they match bodies to the actual body type? It would be so much better if her tits were as modestly-sized as Watson's, and not these porn-chick hangers.
But at the end of the day, I guess my ultimate question usually just comes down to this "Did it get me the erection?.."
Answer: Yes.
I guess I just have a stronger suspension of disbelief, lol.
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