Anonymous3: What the fuck are you talking about? Shiek is still a girl. It's called those wraps around her chest are holding her breasts back and she's using magic to alter her voice.
Anonymous5: well thank god for graphic updates in the new ocarina of time. Sheik is a woman and I can now keep part of my "totally not fapping" folder intact
Anonymous7: Since Sheik is Zelda in disguise, people draw Sheik as female. However, the disguise of Sheik is meant to be male. So if you were to look at them as separate characters, Zelda would be female and Sheik would be male. This could in fact be considered as a Rule_63 Sheik depending on your perspective.
Anonymous9: @Knockers: No, there are wraps on her chest that holds her boobs back, and it's called a camel toe, and any girl can be in shape, sherlock. They gave her the braid in Super Smash Bros. Brawl to further emphasize the fact Sheik is a woman.
I don't even.....
¿Regla 63 de un Tío, quien es realmente una niña en disfraz? Yo ni siquiera...