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Anonymous1: This is without a doubt the worst picture on the internet. What is it about Ponyfags that causes them to act like some of the most self-righteous cunts on the internet?
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Anonymous2: Anon1 has never seen Dexter's Lab then.
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ZUL: This is also the 666th Dexter's Lab pic.

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Anonymous3: @ZUL O_O
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Anonymous4: yeah, let him have it! lots of LOLs!
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evilpika: This is an epic reference.
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Anonymous5: @anon1: If you werent so self-righteous, you wouldn't have to worry about these self-righteous cunts on the internet >.>
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Anonymous6: I hate MLP too! That's why I click to view images that are clearly MLP and comment on them.
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Anonymous7: Feature.
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Anonymous8: Anon1 and 6, I smell butthurt lol
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rdobet: Taste the rainbow motherfucker!
Where's the carebears?
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Anonymous9: @Anon8, Anon6 looks like he's joking.
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Anonymous10: Dat Mister Pee
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Anonymous11: Still needs feature. Maybe to celebrate season 2.
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YoAlexisFS: XD, so funny, Mr. T is tha shit, is great, almost like chuck norris XD, very nice, but pinkie looks like the "tales" season, that was purelly shit, friendship is magic rocks!!
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Anonymous12: Action Hank would tear any pony and ponyfag in half.
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Anonymous13: For the retards lacking a proper childhood, there was once an episode of Dexter's Lab featuring evil My Little Ponies fighting with Action Hank
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anon0: anon8, I smell troll.
And you're a failtroll.
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Anonymous14: Even with the reference.
This is fucking gay.
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Anonymous15: This is funny
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Anonymous16(15): Payback's a bitch
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Sodomius: LMAO
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AnOniMouse: I don't know where its from but I can hear it being said. Do you hear the voices too?!
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Anonymous17: This is win in its most pure form.
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Anonymous18: attractive and successful Africans? in MY equestria!?!?!?

... yeah, that sounds about right.
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Anonymous19: Action hank! NOOOO!
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Anonymous20: Not pornographic
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Anonymous21: @anon piss is considered porn
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Anonymous22: None of the ponies would ever do this. Even if Action Hank would punch a pony. I feel bad for Action Hank.
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Anonymous23: couldn't ther be more pictures of rainbow dash pissing?
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Anonymous24: Action Hank must be happy.
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furriehentaiboy16: I would be!!
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Anonymous25: Someone please give Me the name of that Dedters lab episode for fucks sake!
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i_r_guy: Dedter's Lab? I'm afraid that I'm not quite familiar with that show. I'm guessing it was just a low-budget, rip-off of Dexter's Lab. I can try looking for it, but you didn't exactly specify which episode.
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Anonymous26: notporn, 21 can eat it.
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Anonymous27: HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
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Anonymous28: Rainbow Dash number 1#!!!
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sgtrip: XD
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Anonymous29: @Anonymous: They shit on everything good, what were you expecting?
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Anonymous30: "NOW THAT'S SOME GOOD PONEY PISS!!!!!" - Hank eats ponies for breakfast, so they got their revenge against the mighty giant . . . by peeing in his mouth!
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Calvar: *And he took their torture, knowing that any minute his supply drop would arrive. Not long after, the ponies jumped out of the way as a large metallic box slammed into the ground, covering Action Hank. The box hissed and hummed, until a large figure appeared on top of it. There stood Action Hank, suited up in the best Anti-Magic Resistant armor made in existence. Armed with Pony seeking Mini-Atomic missiles, Magic dampening fields that can reach up to 10,000km, Magic piercing 40mm machine gun rounds hooked up to a highly sophisticated auto-targeting machine gun able to track speeds over Hypersonic speeds, and finally the anti-gravity drive that allows nearly complete control over movement and speed of the suit, the ponies knew they picked a fight they couldn't, AND wouldn't, make it out alive from.*
-Fuck Ponies
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Anonymous31: bitch

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