Doofen: Yeah, the lack of good Vanessa art had to be corrected! For the good of humanity! I have more coming. I had more but DemetersWake pulled a "Delete Everything" and his two were lost from here. Blacktoe charged 60 USD and I was very pleased with the results!
Anonymous4(2): Anon 2 here with followup questions - how long did he take to complete the commissioned set, and how willing is he to take on commissions?
Doofen: He finished it all in four days, which certainly surprised me, he said he might take a while, but I don't know his average time. He took on my commission with no problem. I imagine if you just have a good idea and ask nicely. *shrug* Sorry I can't be of much help, but if you do commission him I look forward to seeing whatever you get!
Anonymous7: THIS. Finally!! I need nothing so much in life as a PLETHORA of Heinz/Vanessa smut! You know Dr. D couldn't resist such a delicious curve daughter...(My name is Doof and you'll do what I say Whoop Whoop!)...More gorgeous stuff like this, PLEASE.
When I first saw Vanessa on TV, right after the episode ended, I ran to my computer and looked her up and was met with disappointment.
I'd like to thank you for going out to make and then share your commissions.
Also... how much did Blacktoe charge?
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