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TagsDavy_Jones, Mermaid, Pirates_of_the_Caribbean, Tamara, featured_image
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Info600x800 // 391KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: I've seen enough hentai to. . . wait a minute
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AnOniMouse: Davy: DAMN YOUNGUNS! Get offa ma damn lawn ye skanky bitchez!
Dead sailor: Huuur duuuur bewbs....
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Decanter: Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day
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Anonymous2: R
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Anonymous3: This pictures has been featured before. Ah, wait. It hasn't, because this seems to be a photo of that picture... paradox? :S
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Anonymous4(2): Thar be a day for everything, aye matey?
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Of course mateys, we must celebrate aarrrrpropriately with an authentic pirat'n movie as well! YO HO!

Or two!
Or Tree!
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Anonymous5(2): Why not feature Surprisingly Curvaceous Pirate? (best character name evah!)
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Twistytie: I'm starting to think mods hail from Failbook
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Anonymous6: @Twistytie: you and me both, when is someone competent going to run this website?
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Krawczyk: also if'n ye wish ta sav'em to watch on the high seas yerself, use keepvid or icyvideo. w00p w00p
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PinkBallons: @Silent_Witness: Superior version.
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Decanter: @Anonymous: Er, partly because we missed the one pic of her we have and had never heard of the thing she's from. We have a surprising lack of good pirate porn.
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Anonymous7: This is actually pretty kick-ass!
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bAv-R34: @PinkBallons: /turns to parrot
"you are a piece of shit!"
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FEH: Oh fuck so that's why everyone's talking like this?

I wish I had a mermaid that pooped money.
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Anonymous8: Oh finally, a relevant feature. Not as relevant as Muslim tears, OWS gangrape, or China vs Japan, but good enough. It's the little things after all.
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Anonymous9: Hah, first time we have a TLP day feature. Nice.
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Anonymous10(9): Also, what's wrong with the time stamps? The most recent uploads and comments are shown being posted 2 hours ago.
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Krawczyk: OWS is useless and forgettable. There is no reason to do anything relating to them anymore.
We've done too many things with muslims so that's old hat.
And China vs Japan would likely wind up being highly weeaboo. Are you really requesting weeaboo?
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Anony-Miss: Wow, very hot feature. Love it!
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Candycock: Even when missing a penis (and lower torso for that matter) that skeleton is still tying to rape and plunder. He truly has the spirit of a pirate.
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Anonymous11: Erect ye masts, handle ye jibs, find ye some booty, and bury ye jewels! YARRRR!!!!
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Anonymous12: 100 souls, 3 days.
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Anonymous13: The pasta monster is happy.
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RogerTheRabbit: Happy Talk Like a Pirate ya little faggotiers. T' t' Bay we go, t' pirate all t' thin's
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fishmonger: Every day should be Talk Like a Pirate Day. A song for ye. Assuming I be linking correctly, that be
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Anonymous14: Crawcock just doesn't fucking get it.
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vlad123: There are no fingerprints
Deep under water
Nothing to tie one to a crime
And if you seek vengeance
All you need are instruments of pain

You need your

Knives? Check.
Rope? Check.
Dagger? Check.
Chains? Check.
Locks? Check.
Laser Beams? Check.
Acid? Check.
Body Bag? Check.

Murmaider Murmaider Murmaider Murmaider Murmaider Murmaider Murmaider Murmaider Murmaider Murmaider Murmaider Murmaider Murmaider Murmaider Murmaider Murmaider
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Zenzaxaznez: I thought it was because I was tired that I saw all the "me" and "ye" everywhere (including in my own text!), but now I finally get it - Talk like a pirate day! :D

You got to love this filter! ARRRRR!!!!
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Anonymous15: Yer comment filt'ren is a thinga beauty. A hearty pirate speak day to all'a ye.
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Fara_Phoenix: Ye can't get yer flask.
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Anon99: It's talk like a pirate day, yet very few new priate pics are getting put up. A shame, so many movies and shows about priates exist too
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notmacacos2: DAT MERMAID BOOTY
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Anonymous16: does anyone know what the last featured image was?
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Anonymous17: @Anonymous: Some Robot thing.
I don't really pay much attention to the Featured images.
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O_Rly: Well played, vlad123.
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Roflcakes: Time to have a One Piece marathon.
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FurryPaladin: I'm leaving this site for good i'm going to have a real life so this comment will be a special comment just for this featured image
♪Yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We pillage plunder, we rifle and loot.
Drink up me 'earties yo ho.
We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot.
Drink up me 'earties yo ho

Yo ho, yo ho a pirate's life for me.
We extort and pilfer, we filch and sack.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
Maraud and embezzle and even hijack.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.

Yo ho, yo ho a pirate's life for me.
We kindle and char and flame and ignite.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
We burn up the city, we're really a fright.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.

We're rascals and scoundrels, we're villians and knaves.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
We're devils and black sheep, we're really bad eggs.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.

We're beggars and blighters and ne'er do-well cads,
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
Aye, but we're loved by our mommies and dads,
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.♪
Jack:"(comes rushing though the captain quarters doors) Where's the rum!!!???"
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TrashPirate: Fittingly I watched Pirates band of misfits and got a buccaneers bicorn drop in tf2. Coincidental.
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BleedinSkull: This is lovely, we're now all pirates.
At first, i though i was doing it at purpose. ( i don't know why )
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BleedinSkull: @PinkBallons: This will be a great response if somebody calls somebody else a "pony" fag. ( In my opinion, 'brony' fag would've been much better )
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PostHappy28: There you are, scurvy dogs.

Not related to the pic, but I wanted to see the change in my post.
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TrashPirate: I am surprised they didn't change the word 'Cancer' to Scurvy or Rickets.
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Anonymous19(14): @FurryPaladin: And nothing of value was lost. Bye faggot.
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Anonymous20(13): Screw The Jew.
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Fur_Reaper: Now I've seen everything
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Padoga: Argh! It's a hard not life for us!
All we do is sneer and cuss!
I'll shootchye with mah Blun-der-bus!
Better not hear ye fuss!
When you walk the plank!
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Farfegnugen: What happen to Rule 63 and Cosplay sites?
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Farfegnugen: Rule 34c isn't working either.
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Anonymous21(13): Emmies for porn.
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Anonymous22(13): Fuck BoardWalk Empires.
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RogerTheRabbit: @Anonymous: Yeah man, that show was a disappointment. Martin should stick to the film format, he sucks at pacing on television.
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Anonymous23(13): So they gave it Homelands big loser.
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Anonymous24: What happened to the Cosplay site?

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