MisterNonymous: I see little reason why this should be up as the original is here, and this is not an edit, just a macro of sorts of it. Nothing more, nothing less. waste of space for personal bantering.
jinx: anon9 What are you talking about? Suffers consequences? What consequences? I wasn't banned from anything, I'm not complaining when I'm just amused by causing a huge argument on ponibooru.
Also don't tell me to grow up when you don't even know who I am, the internet is a place where people's age are unknown.
Anonymous11: Do you "bronies" realize that you are a disgrace to humanity? Your mere existence is worse than Hitler, the Soviets, Native American Genocide, and all suffering and death to come combined. Know why? Because your predecessors survived through it, and you spend your days wishing that you could have sex with a horse. How would your medieval ancestors, breaking their backs in fields just to have their towns pillaged and raped feel about you slobbering over this shit? You are literally the lowest of the low, the scum of the earth.
Anonymous21: Shouldn't it be "pedofalia?" The extra o just makes it look and sound awkward. I'm not even sure where it came from. Certainly not from the original word.
Anonymous25: @Anonymous: you say it, you clicked it. didn't have to comment that you hate it, just leave, find some other buttfuck part of the internet, and fap there
Stunjelly: Jesus christ people, a foal a horse, that is one year old or younger. If you didn't know that, than of course the joke is going to go over your head.
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I did as a trollish reaction to ponibooru and now it spread to /co/?
How did that happen....
uploads an image to troll
cries when he suffers consequences
grow the fuck up
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We already have lots of zoofoalia and gerontofoalia
Also don't tell me to grow up when you don't even know who I am, the internet is a place where people's age are unknown.
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perverted neckbeard > mass murderer
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