Anonymous1: It used to be on here but someone claiming to be the creator of the Dexter's Mom storyline said this was fake. The message said on here that there would be a break due to some issues. Don't know who was the real one though.
Anonymous6: Its him the same guy your asking u want proof profile in 34 rule gallery in rule34 gallery in image fap
he is in rule34 and he drew one sex pills before but low quality like a starting artist and now he has inproved just one thing legs muscle tiny dexter its all adding up .
if im wrong then im sorry but really i think he is the dude of this profile or it maybe be one called reynard or giorgy or giofry
but if it is this guy im just saying i want to see does tig oll bitties u know what i mean........ anyone
- Reply
- Reply
- Reply profile in 34 rule gallery in rule34 gallery in image fap
he is in rule34 and he drew one sex pills before but low quality like a starting artist and now he has inproved just one thing legs muscle tiny dexter its all adding up .
if im wrong then im sorry but really i think he is the dude of this profile or it maybe be one called reynard or giorgy or giofry
but if it is this guy im just saying i want to see does tig oll bitties u know what i mean........ anyone