Anonymous2: This is complete shit, whoever made it should go and die in a burning pit of snakes. Borderlands is too great of a game to add shitty anime references to.
Anonymous12: Nice drawing of Gavril but the Borderlands reference isn't fitting at all.
As in, it lamely uses the reference of an incredibly well made game to boost this pic's popularity which is derived from a lame manga that tries to hard to come off as shocking. (despite the boobs, yeah...)
TheDinkleyBoy: As someone who loves both borderlands and FrankenFran, ya'll who say shit about Franken need to watch it because the wacky shit fran gets up to easily beats Zed's (and Ned's) creations
Anonymous15: @anon12
"tries to hard to come off as shocking"
So what you're saying is you totally missed the point of the manga? It's not supposed to be "shocking," it's supposed to be funny and somewhat scary.
Oh yea! It's Call of Duty, haha, yeap, that's it.
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Love me some Gavril too, this is so her.
As in, it lamely uses the reference of an incredibly well made game to boost this pic's popularity which is derived from a lame manga that tries to hard to come off as shocking. (despite the boobs, yeah...)
- Reply
"tries to hard to come off as shocking"
So what you're saying is you totally missed the point of the manga? It's not supposed to be "shocking," it's supposed to be funny and somewhat scary.