Killamajig: You get used to it.
They're significantly anthropomorphized anyway.
I mean...she rides a scooter. She can read. She'd like you to give that a tug.
I'm pretty okay with that.
Chef_Retardee: Well Killamajig, I'm not ok with it. All this attraction to horses has really impacted my attraction to children, now I can't even get off visiting the local playground.
bAv-R34: I agree with AceFurry, I love ponies (as long as they are from G4) but actual horses? Fucking ugly as hell, they have nasty teeth, they crap everywhere and personally, they fucking scare the shit out of me.
Anonymous3: Horses are good eating, bitches. Well, no, actually they're tough as shit and you can never cook them right. But they taste a bit like beef.
Anonymous7: Every pic of this little cunt should be brutal guro and her cutie mark should turn out to be an anus because she's the biggest asshole on the show.
They're significantly anthropomorphized anyway.
I mean...she rides a scooter. She can read. She'd like you to give that a tug.
I'm pretty okay with that.
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You're not attracted to horses IRL because if you were you'd be a giant sick fuck.
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Chef, you made me lol IRL. Stop it.
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Moar is in demand.
A by a bit, I mean 'holy fuck stop molesting my horses you sick fuck.'
you've never seen a mare orgasm have you.
not gonna lie, I would tap one so hard
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