Anonymous4: Seriously, how did a senator single handedly beat three of these invisible war droids, the same type of which gave 2 jedi so much trouble that YODA had to go and save their asses?
Dracamus: The jedi had more then the senator, they were over whelmed and they did not have aby means to distract them like Padme did and the droids set bombs in the cave. The droids also have can cloak themselves plus the force does not see droids as it does living things all they can senes is the droids energy.
Anonymous11: That series was way better than the Cartoon Network one. Mainly because there was less dialogue in all 25 episodes than in one Cartoon Network episode.
Anonymous12: that is c3po. he gets his gold plating shortly after. but it would be valid to think it's not him - seeing as every time they take a droid other than 3po or R2 it gets destroyed.
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