Anonymous13: the person who determined that kirlia should have a male option should DIE AND BURN FOREVER AND GET KILLED BY PAPERCUT TO THE PENIS FOR BEING SO GAY.
kirlia is a girl a loli girl nonetheless and as such.too artists:please stop drawing kirlia with penises and please do not make her older she is a loli PERIOD.
Anonymous14: wow anon 14, again? Last time I saw you, you were anon 8... looks like your gaining major fag points for your pointless posts on great artwork.
Also everyone... it's a penis, not an enlarged clitoris. It's perfectly fine the way it is... I wish I were Max right now.
Anonymous15(14): I wish that I were Max right now... also, anon 14, stop posting your pointless comments on every male Kirlia picture on 34. No one cares what you have to say about how much you want a papercut on your dick. Also, how about we all just agree that it's a penis and get the inevitability out of the way.
Except in doujins.
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kirlia is a girl a loli girl nonetheless and as such.too artists:please stop drawing kirlia with penises and please do not make her older she is a loli PERIOD.
Also everyone... it's a penis, not an enlarged clitoris. It's perfectly fine the way it is... I wish I were Max right now.
and i just jizzed in my pants
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It's a clocoa.
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