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TagsAsuka_Langley_Sohryu, Neon_Genesis_Evangelion, Rei_Ayanami, edit, featured_image
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Titanium: This has to be a dupe
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Danielakiiki: I downloaded this from here a couple of years ago Titanium, try looking at >>69761 That's going off the file name on my PC.
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Danielakiiki: Link works, looks like this one is bigger.
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Anonymous1: Man i love this pic
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Decanter: Anonymous1: rei cannot smile

Anonymous2: not true; the ep where shinji (CONGRATULATIONS) recues her from the core plug she smiled

Anonymous3: You'd be smiling too if you were naked in a kiddie pool with Asuka.

Rat: Yes, yes I would.

Rule34d: fire crotch

Anonymous4: I missed the episode where Nerv issued official kiddie pools to the pilots.
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Anonymous2: @Decanter: she does smile allot in the remakes
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TongueTwister: Oh, so that's how you draw water!
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datnonymous: Why argue about politics when you can argue about best girls?
Featured on the occasion 4.0 finally reared it's ugly head.
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Anonymous3: this is why we love hentai
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Anonymous4: @datnonymous: Politics you say?
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bomg: Don't tell me Hideaki Anno is dead
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Anonymous5: Yes a normal picture for once!
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Anonymous6: I’m confused...
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Farfegnugen: @bomg: Maybe he did. Maybe he didn't Maybe you should find out for yourself.
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DarkAtHeart: Damn it's hot today.. Is it the summer solstice?
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Anonymous7: I know, I know I've let you down
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: The recipes were funny in the middle of a storm of political argument bullshit and spewing hate at everyone crap, but they will quickly become irrelevant and redundant when posted to excess.
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neo4812: who died now?
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traffik: @neo4812: Apparently, the site. Try searching beyond 500 pages ago and you get this message: "Only 500 pages of results are searchable - if you want to find older results, use more specific search terms".

Well, that's new. Um, mods, is this permanent, or is it just some weird wrinkle in the site like the one that yesterday briefly caused me to be able to view everyone's profile page except my own?
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Anonymous9: arse flesh air, no cunts, no bullshit, no racewar shit, no lunarians.
Only the goodboys and the recipe man.
The best part is that two girls are hot as hell!
Hell yeah!
@Anonymous: Also, don't forget the one and only Jojo refrence, this one is funny as hell.
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Anonymous10: Assuming it's featured due to summer?
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Anonymous11: I just want to cum inside rei.

or for shinji to cum inside rei
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Anonymous12: @Anonymous: I want both
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Anonymous13(12): @SolarChroniclesXII: That and maybe even because Neon Genesis Evangelion is fully watchable on Netflix? I'm kinda putting my hopes up for that last one
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Anonymous14: Weird feature but I'm down with it, recently started NGE so this is cool.
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Anonymous15: @Anonymous: also the fact that Evangelion just recently had a 4D ride crossing over with Shin Godzilla
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Anonymous16: where did all this yogurt come from? and why does it smell weird?
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Anonymous17(14): @Anonymous: that was on the 20th of June though, why so late?
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Anonymous18: The netflix dub of Evangelion sucks. Don’t watch it
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Anonymous19: Evangelion sucks in general
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Anonymous20: I really want to watch Evangelion now that's all available on Netflix, but everyone says the re-dub sucks. I mean, I never got around to watching it until now (being a lazy fatty) and all of it's in one place to stream. Is it really that crucial to watch the original dub?
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Anonymous21: @Anonymous19 Just don't watch the dub retard. Watch it subed like a normal person.
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Franco_Ferrer-San_Miguel: @Anonymous: Normal people watch it in whatever language they can, elitist scum. And from what I heard, I'm glad I don't have Netflix (My family don't have smart TVs nor the money for premium services). #TiffanyIsTheOnlyAsuka #LyingAssHideaki #FuckKhara #FuckNetflix
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Anonymous22: That duck is having a WW2 flashback
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betterthannothing: Man its crazy how they keep saying "eva 4 is coming out guys!" every year.
Ide know why people even want it to come out considering how shit 3 was and how mediocre the second movie was?
I just laugh every time someone brings it up.
and this feature being for "when eva 4 will eventually come out" is even more hilarious
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datnonymous: @cocksdicksfags: Ten first minutes are out. The feature is partly about the death of the last bit of hope it could be not shit.
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Anonymous23: Two bros chillin’ in a cold tub, sitting less than a foot apart because they’re big gay.
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Farfegnugen: Since there are a few confused souls out there, Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0 had a preview event around the globe over the weekend. Here's the English subtitle preview video. The first couple of minutes is a recap of 1.11, 2.22, and 3.33, then it gets into new stuff.
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Anonymous24(22): No Matter how much they remake or add new seasons to Evangelion Shinji will always remain one of the edgiest Emo character in all of anime. Second place being that rapist from the fate stay series
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Anonymous25: boring shit
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Minibird: finally a good pic as a featured one
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Anonymous26: @Anonymous: listen to your own advice and stop posting dumbass comments on a porn website
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Hentailicker93: Wut? Do I see a normal feature picture. That's a shock for us all. hahaaa
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escue123: Cute girls without some weirdass shit? That quake must have hit Rule34 hard if they're featuring this!
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Anonymous27: @Anonymous: Fuck Black People aka Coons!
You rob, rape, steal, and kill your own kind and when 1 white guy kills one you scream like a chimp high on helium.
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Anonymous28: wow, this comment section went from 0 to 100 FAST
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Anonymous29: Anons 21, 24, 26, & 27 would rather have a big donkey dick featured like the major faggots they are.
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Anonymous30: Why did it have to be weebs?
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THE_BLACKOUT: @Anonymous: Because it you retard!
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Anonymous31: wow, a featured image that's actually good? i didn't know that was possible.
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Anonymous32(28): 21 is definitely a troll
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Anonymous33: @Anonymous: get a load o' this clown
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Anonymous34: Don't let this distract you from the fact that Netflix didn't use "Fly me to the moon" for the ending theme.
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Franco_Ferrer-San_Miguel: @Anonymous: Another reason I won't be watching. I'm glad I don't have Netfux.
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Anonymous35: rubber ducky time :)
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Anonymous36(27): I remember I joined the KKK when I was in middle school at age 10 back in 2008.
We have gassed over a two hundred thousand niglets since then.
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TheFappingWanderer: Well this is an odd comments section
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Anonymous37: When you're depressed and shit so you create a japanese anime all about the pain and hardships of existence to cope with your state of mind but then it ends up revolutionizing the subgenre most notably creating the meme of "best girl."
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dlt: Okay, who died this time?
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Anonymous38: If you want to watch the dub then watch it, i don't mind.
If you want to watch the sub then watch it, i don't mind.
Just watch whatever the dub/sub bullshit you in, if it ruins your experience then switch to sub or dub if your in sub.
Dub, sub, whatever, the anime is great anyway.@Anonymous: If you are so triggered about anime and attractive and successful Africans, then just ignore it or get the fuck out, also hell is great for us anyway so no suprise.@Anonymous: I agree, he's a edgy boy! In a good means.
Netflix is shit in general, their dubs sucks ass like a shit horse.
Anyhow, who died this time?
Can we talk about...
The Thirth Impact?
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WhiteMageBenoni: Oh look Evangelion. Not my problem; Asuka and Rei are second rate waifus, third rate loss of Netflix and chill, and basically these two just plain ol' suck.
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klutchelbonk: I'M THE LOWEST OF THE LOW
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Anonymous39: @dlt: Paheal died because mods are snowflake nig nog ching chong fags.
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Anonymous40(39): Come on fags. Even though this is the most mundane featured image ever, give me your worst racial/political induced rage comments you can concoct. Because that is the only reason why anyone ever bothered to click the featured image in the first place.
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Anonymous41(7): if only obama wasn't president....
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HAMBURGERS: Nice descent feature for a change
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Anonymous42(18): Asians are better than whites

Prove me wrong
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lolnojustgetout22: What in the Attractive Issue Is that?
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Anonymous43(38): Guys, guys, guys...
Can we talk about the Rei and Asuka?
Or the thirth impact?
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Anonymous44(39): @Anonymous: Since when are you assuming that we are not in the Third Impact? Trump will nuke Tehran and Beijing next year just before his tenure as President ended so that he can exersize wartime Emergency Power to become American Empire's first Emperor
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RocketDog: This . . . ISN'T GAY?!? What are you doing paheal?!?
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Anonymous45(7): How does these features work anyway?
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Anonymous46(38): @Anonymous: Nah, its not Trump, some sick organization or the lunarians whoud do that and it whoud be the second impact.
You right, not even close we are in the third impact.
The lunarians most likey, a what if scene that the lunarians won the lunar war also know as world war 3.
Toyohime nukes America (yes, even Canada) and if someone against her, she just kill'em like a twig.
She will become the world's emperor and everyone whoud worship her like a goddess, and then she traits humans like slaves and she will most likey encourage dawisim or merit system.
She became earth's emperor or "god".
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Anonymous47: @Anonymous: +1
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Anonymous48(38): @Anonymous: Nobody gives a shit what you say'n!
Also, Lunarians causes world war 3, i tell you what!
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Anonymous49: @Anonymous: You mean pathetic cunts like you with nothing better to do in their life than sit in their basement browsing rule34, and posting hypocritical, holier-than-thou, sanctimonious bullshit comments with racist slurs thrown in because you know you'd never have the balls to say them IRL?

Back up into the stable and get off your high horse, you fucking degenerate.
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Anonymous50(49): @Anonymous: Ha-Hey, lookie here! The racist edgelord-wannabe 4chan rejects are already here! :D
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Anonymous51(38): Holy shit, i see people against this racist edgelord!
*Sniff,sniff* im proud of you, guys...
Im proud of you...
If you wanna too... Defeat the lunarians?
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Anonymous52: @Anonymous: I come to see the featured image and the first thing I read is the comment of some faggot beta cuckold bitching about muh'edgy. Grow a pair of balls, you pathetic fucking pussy
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traffik: Hey mods, I don't know if any of you will read this (because frankly, it kind of feels like you guys are all on vacation lately), but this 500-page search limit is bullshit. Think about it... if you can only search 500 pages, what gets affected? The most commonly-used tags on the site: Porkyman, My Little Pony, Touhou and the other 12 most popular tags. It also makes it impossible to try to track down and eliminate old 'tagme's.
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Anonymous53: So is nobody gonna talk Jeffrey Epstein???
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Anonymous54: @traffik:

You're being a total faggot right now, traffik.

Just stop whining about the website and stroke your needle dick, you dirty beaner.
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traffik: @Anonymous: Did I say, "Hey anon trash?" No. You don't do anything to help the site so this isn't your concern. Fuck off, loser.
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Anonymous55(54): @traffik:

How about you make me, you pick sucking faggot. You're desperately trying to get the attention of the mods and it's rather pathetic. What, you can't get your puny pick up and masturbate the cartoon porn?

You little cunt, you can't even spell the word "traffic" correctly.
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traffik: @Anonymous: lol, how does someone "masturbate the cartoon porn", Dr. Grammar?
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Anonymous56(54): @traffik:

In your last comment, make sure to capitalize the LOL because it's the beginning of a sentence.

Also, with the "Think about it... if you can only search", your ellipse was unnecessary.

If you're going to come to our country, at least learn English, you bean baboon.
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Anonymous57(54): You stupid, goddamn n*gger. Have fun with your trash anime.
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traffik: @Anonymous: Shhh, I'm masturbating the cartoon porn.
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Farfegnugen: @traffik: Yeah, that sounds like a bug or something. That's not the only one going around. If Decenter doesn't know, I'll try to pass it along.
@Anonymous: Hey edge lord, calm your tits. Or do you want me to calm them for you?
@Anonymous: Why should we? The stuff he did come at no surprise. He got caught, and then he got caught again, younger this time. Guess what will happen next year when he gets caught again.

Much rather talk about Ross Perot dying, but since there are zero images of him, he'll get just an honorable mention. He tried to run for President and lost both times because he had big ears (90's were a strange time.) But it doesn't matter since he was rich as fuck.
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traffik: @Farfegnugen: Thanks. I did send Decanter a PM, but I haven't heard anything back yet.

I did notice that those redirect ads seem to have disappeared, so thanks for that too.
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Anonymous58: Ahhh... Summertime, a new featured image, quality porn of decent waifus, and relatively less shitposting. Life is good.
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Anonymous59: @Anonymous: >relatively less shitposting in summer
Fuck off summerfag.
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Anonymous60(38): @Anonymous: I wanted to have fun, you piece of shit.
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Anonymous61(38): @Farfegnugen: The 90's was great, mate.
The Sega Genesis/Megadrive (Sonic, Ristar, Dyamite Headdy), Great animes (like Evangelion right here), Back then people dosen't trigger over everything, y2k, Good times...
Yes, i mean sometimes it comes like yinyang shit in every year (like the 9/11), but this was never happend again this tragedy and then people learned their lessons.
And thus the earth is in peace...
...until 2015.
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Anonymous62: Yeebie
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Farfegnugen: Looks like Rip Torn bit the big one today. He was in so many great movies, like Freddy Got Fingered and Dodgeball. No porn of him, so honorable mention.
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Anonymous63: God, finally the featured image isn't futa or some gross and/or cringe-y fetish. Just cute, wet, pretty girls.
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Anonymous64: Don't you dare judge Futa, you little queer.

Only faggots don't like dicks/Futa.
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Anonymous65(64): I wanna fuck me a white girl.

White pussy is ALWAYS tight.
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Anonymous66: @Farfegnugen: what does rip torn have to do with evangelion?
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ddark92: Stop featuring the same old characters.
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Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: He would have made a really awesome Gendou. Not even joking.
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Imm0rtal: Fuf
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Anonymous67(58): @Anonymous: There's relatively less shitposting here, compared to the dumpster fires of the last features. That this happened DESPITE it being summer was the point, dumbass.
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Anonymous68: is the pool water for sale
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Anonymous69: I have a good feeling what the next featured image will be...... blueberry girl.
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Anonymous70(66): @Imm0rtal: what’s fuf?
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datnonymous: @Anonymous: Holy hell, I can't believe I didn't think of this joke myself.
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Anonymous71: Classy comment page as usual, folks. Too bad no one post recipes anymore
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Anonymous72: Ayy 👌
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Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: Those ladies pilot anime robots. Not real gamer girls. No Sale!
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Anonymous73: Holy shit it's a normal picture and not some retarded edgy shitpost. Is this website good now?
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Anonymous74: @Anonymous: The webside is in the neutral aligment, so yeah...
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IffrytusMasakado: What's evangelion?
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Anonymous75: @IffrytusMasakado: bro, you just posted cringe bro
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blastorman: Is this a fucking belle Delphine bath water meme
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Anonymous76: @blastorman: No
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Anonymous77: Finaly no horse dicks or furrys
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Anonymous78(74): After Rei & Asuka are bathing...

Obama is opening his bread store.

DIO ressurected by dark magic.

Stewie killed the guardians and he became the world dominator, until the lunarian killed him.

Joe can walk again with the power of 7 chaos emeralds.

Fallout shit in Australia.

Furries are almost comes to extincion.

The great dragon got defeated by Giorno.

The Porkyman series goes to shit.

Ebola metaliarized into a cute anime girl.

Knuckles fucked Rouge.

Sonic finally defeated Amy rose, Sally acorn and Elise so that he can enjoy peace once and for all.

Bowser became presedent of Nintendo.

Luigi married to Daisy.

Mario married to a spaghetti.

Peach became minus8's bitch.

Kakyoin was also ressurected by this time a 1 up mushroom, just to keep milfhunting.

Brian Griffin ascended into a cosmedic angel (his was not died before that).

King Dedede defeated gods just to defeat Kirby.

Earthbound fanbase became a dictated nazi field.

EA wont disappoin me to be such a greedy degenerades.

Capcom releases Megaman X9.

Blanc (White heart)/Nintendo & Noire (Black Heart)/Sony announces ww3.

Before the Lunarians are slowy take over, a giant Tails with wings touched the moon and he almost causes the third impact until Sonic and Chuck Norris defeated him...
It turnes out that Tails got brainwashed by the lunarians and the new presedent is actually a lunarian called Rei'sen.
Sonic & co comes to the white house just to see presedent and it turns out that this is true.
Sonic & co tries to defeat her but a fateful event causes those people to stop fighting, Blanc & Noire is in war in the outside world, extremist fighting eath other and the fans are fighting too, Sonic & co comes to Gamindustri, in Planetune, The boys are calling Neptune just to stop the war and she agreed on the boys, Sonic & co then stopped the two from fighting and then they promise peace for real.
Sonic & co saw Rei'sen running but Sonic stopped her and her pleases to spare her and she became Sonic's maid, people were sceptical but Sonic just accept anyway...
But Toyohime saw this on the moon and she was angry just to throw her fan, she promised for a war, a war that she releases her wrath!


Meanwhile, Shinji is at the Laundry store and Satan watches End of Evangelion.
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LakesPermanentPaheal: I'm a firefighter called to the scene of the flamewar. It seems the flamewar's burned down.
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LakesPermanentPaheal: @LakesPermanentPaheal: *Comment Section's
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Anonymous79: I have no idea what a Lunarian is, but I do know what it is I'm googling in the next five minutes.

Also everyone ignore the wannabe troll. Seriously...there's trolling, which is taking a match to a dry bundle of wood, and then there is what this idiot is doing which is taking a flamethrower to a bunch of water logged kindling. The guy wants to troll it's just that he's do it right.
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Anonymous80(74): @Anonymous: Do you mean me?
I didn't trolling, i just doing for fun.
Or someone else?
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Anonymous81: Finally, a good fucking image.
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Nightweaver20xx: Never saved so fucking hard in my life. Asuka is my girl, has been since 2010 when I really got into Eva.
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Anonymous82(74): @Farfegnugen: The lunarians are triggered because of the first man on the moon.
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Anonymous83: Rei > asuka
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Monkeybutler222: NERV has their brand name on everything. They even make inflatable pool.
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Anonymous84(74): @Anonymous: Both of them are pretty good!
Asuka has great ass
While Rei has great tits
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Anonymous85: Trump Wrong.
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Anonymous86: @Anonymous: "watchable" is a strong word for the netflix dub
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Anonymous87: @Farfegnugen: Why are you taking his bait, newfag?
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UltimateDestroyer: congratulations on the new dub!
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Anonymous88(74): @Anonymous: I just doin for fun and not for bait, dammit!
Or something, else?
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Anonymous89(27): Fucking attractive and successful African lovers!
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Anonymous90: @Anonymous: shut ur fuck fuck mouth fuck man
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Anonymous91: 95 comments. 95 comment that are racist, toxic, and cringey. What the fuck is even up with the human race anymore? This is why im going to get an area 51 bitch instead of these stupid humans. DUSGUHSTANG.
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Anonymous92: Damn, I didn't know we were on 4chan with all that edge in here...
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Anonymous93: why is this featured its not even that good
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Anonymous94: Ma name JEFF.
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Anonymous95: feels good being the 100th anon
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Anonymous96(74): @Anonymous: Don't worry, mate.
The third impact will solve the problem.
Also, i ain't human, im a star alien from a planed called Popstar.
While we are a peaceful bunch, you guys are complaining Trump, meanwhile the lunarians are preparing on the attack secretly, Obama is secretly working for them and they using bubbhism as a distraction spray just to backstabbing us, later on, i watching you guys in my spaceship that is shaped like a star, getting fucked by those moonrabbit or the beautiful event know as the third impact.
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Anonymous97: All yall el nigres and la nigras need to stop posting hateful comments. Why are yall even on this website if you dont even like this shit? Cause you dont have anything better to do thats why. Get a damn day job.
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Loves_to_watch: a featured picture that isn't downright weird? colour me impressed
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Anonymous98: I lost my last brain cell here help has anyone seen it?
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lun4tic: Not into anime but that's cool, finally a feature that isn't weird or tragic in a way.

Also, what the fuck is wrong with this comment section? No politics should seriously be a rule in this site, honestly..
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Anonymous99(74): @lun4tic: There's no rule in this side, this is anararchy.
And, that why i love this webside.
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Anonymous100(74): @Anonymous: Well said, brother.
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DarkTyph: Why can't I upload an image?

I keep getting: Internal Error

Message: SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 7 ERROR: value too long for type character varying(64)

Query: INSERT INTO images( owner_id, owner_ip, filename, filesize, hash, ext, width, height, posted, source ) VALUES ( :owner_id, :owner_ip, :filename, :filesize, :hash, :ext, :width, :height, now(), :source )

Version: 2.7-beta (on 7.3.4-2)
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datnonymous: @DarkTyph: Try shortening the filename.
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Anonymous101: @datnonymous: I want to upload a image in a comment...
...but how?
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datnonymous: @Anonymous: Click the "Guide to comment formatting codes" link below.
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Anonymous102: @Anonymous: Go back to /a/ weeaboo
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Anonymous103: "Girls with the best pussy piss loud as fuck.
They be in the bathroom sounding like they cookin' fried chicken"
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Anonymous104: No leftists allowed. This should be a safe space for conservatives.
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Anonymous105: Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you.
Never gonna gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.

You just got RickRolled while having a boner...

Shame on you D:
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Anonymous106(105): user image
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HAMBURGERS: @lun4tic: You should try watching anime/hentai, you'll love it.
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Anonymous107: @Anonymous: He always does this
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Anonymous108: @Anonymous: japs are also weird they have fucked up fetishes they will draw anything! weeb much?
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Anonymous109: @Anonymous: Obvious troll is obvious. Complaining about other people jacking off to a porn side whem you are in a porn site with your pants pulled down in a basement in the most stupid thing ever. Learn from /pol/ if you want to actually fool somebody, white boi.
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Rule34ist4ever: 100th upvote
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Anonymous110: @Anonymous: are you retarded
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Anonymous111(101): AWAKEN MY attractive and successful Africans

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Anonymous112: @Anonymous: Man, relax. Don't get your panties in a knot and maybe you should lay off the internet for a while.
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Anonymous113(112): @Anonymous: Hey, Anon 21, I know you are doing same-fagging. Stop and go back to /pol/.
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Anonymous114(112): @Anonymous: WTF? Just fap, retard.
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Anonymous115(112): @Anonymous: Muh freeze peach.
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Anonymous116(107): @Anonymous: You know what kind of website you're on now, right??
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Anonymous117(112): @Anonymous: You just jealous that you aren't able to date Africans babes and watch hot lesbian action. Pathetic incel.
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Anonymous118(112): @Anonymous: You are going to lose subscriber!
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Nekoyoujo: Wow... Y'all are dumb.
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Anonymous119(101): South Park is a great token of example of how fucked up humanity actually is:
People still says shit and many things...
And that how describes the real world, anon21 still says shit and people are blaming Trump for nothing.
The comment section went to good to shit from everyone, expect you rick roller and lunafucker, you guys are goods.
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Anonymous120: @Anonymous: >comment went from good to shit from everyone, *except that lunafaggot
Said by the newfag who don't know how to attach images in comment box
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Anonymous121(112): @Anonymous: "Sut Perk is tots smert politikewl commentareh!1!" Anyone that uses South Park as an example of smart commentary on tedious political & religious topics, is a pathetic man-babyish neckbeard that should go outside, speaking to actual people.

I mean, fucking hell, you just sounds like those pretentious and idiotic Rick & Morty fans.

Let me tell you a important thing, friend: THEY ARE SATIRICAL CARTOONS! THEY ARE EXAGERATED PARODIES!

So, act like a fucking adult for once, and stop using teens & children cartoons for justifying your point, it makes you sound unaware and man-childish.
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Anonymous122(101): Im just exagerating, i was drunk like hell, i drank vodka like 4 or 6, and i saw shit from comedy central and them im trying to fuck alround like that, fuck i can't even think anymore.
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Anonymous123(101): Also, it's fun to see something peaceful shit to fucked up from anon21.
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Anonymous124: Thank you guys for not featuring something nasty for once
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samuraiidiot: Even when people get what they want they use the comment space to piss and moan.
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Anonymous125: That's pretty much it, Samurai!
I love pissing people for fun!
I can't wait to see those humans to roar!
Like fuck it, everyone want to piss themself!
Alas, yes i exagerating it.
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momokin: @Anonymous: "Stop watching anime and jerking it to hentai" Says the guy who goes on a site dedicated to freaky cartoon porn.
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momokin: @Anonymous: You suck.
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Anonymous126: @samuraiidiot: >Being this new
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momokin: @Anonymous: Actually I've seen alot of western cartoon porn that's hot as hell, you've been looking at the wrong shit.
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Anonymous127(29): Why do I not see featured images anymore? Is this the last one?
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HAMBURGERS: @Anonymous: Thank goodness I'm not the only one, I thought it was just my phone 😌
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Anonymous128: @Anonymous: Guess what faggot, i was joking that, but for real, humanity is so fucked that is actually funny.
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Anonymous129: Fuck you guy evangelion is the reason I’m still alive

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