Anonymous24: Fuck sake. Here I am trying to jack off to porn, and I find this piece of art as the feature image. I'm going to have nightmares for weeks, and I lost my boner. Great.
traffik: For anyone who hasn't heard, Craig Bartlett (creator of the show) is working on a new Hey Arnold! movie to air on Nickelodeon in 2017. This is the long-awaited 'Jungle Movie' that has been talked about for years. A long list of the original voice actors are returning, and many of the voice actors who have outgrown the ability to perform their original roles are being cast in new roles just so they can participate in the reunion. Looks like they're doing this one right.
Anonymous32: ART, douth hast brought thine blessing upon me once again. Nay, mine eyes swell heavily with tears, as true beauty overcomes me. My breast heavy with sorrow knowing that nothing could ever surpass such perfection. Id Est, Id hit it.
Anonymous93: I sexually identify as Harambe the Lowland Gorilla. Ever since I was a boy I have dreamed of eating fruits and plants in the captivity of a zoo. People say to me that being an endangered Lowland Gorilla is impossible and I'm fucking retarded, but I don't care, I'm a beautiful and strong silverback. I'm having a plastic surgeon install Gorilla arms, legs, torso, and a bulletproof vest on my body. From now on, I want you to call me Harambe and respect my right to eat, live with, and fuck other Gorillas. If you can't accept me you're a Gorilla murdering Zoophobe and you need to check your primate privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.
Anonymous104: Never before out of all my years spent browsing the pages of rule 34 have i seen such a magnificant picture that spoke to me on a spiritual level if i could describe this with one word it be succ
Anonymous106: What am I even looking at, I'm dying, I don't know if it's from laughter or confusion. And who the hell is its father. Plus half of these comments are just as ridiculously funny 10/10
Anonymous116: hi Jubilation T. Cornhole, Deathcock here. I heard you banned me again for the made-up-on-the-spot pretend ban evading, because you're such an irrelevant and inferior little neckbeard subhuman that you think you and you measly position here matters to anyone here at all (least of all me) and you couldn't stand to part with me on a note where I buried your worrhless ass lol. so just because I get the most satisfaction using the comments only to tell you pissant freaks that you're total shit, I had to come back to burst your little cumbubble, and say sorry that a ban doesn't effect someone with a dynamic IP, HUEHUEHUEHEEHEHAHAHA!
ahhhhhh too bad I have to be banned when I can comment any time I want and there's nothing your chapped assmad subhuman gork ass can do about it. it's too bad I have to be banned when I care not even hardly at all 4 cartoon porn and this is the most casual of interests for me and I come here every once in a blue moon for a few seconds to see street fighter 34 and then carry on with my adult male lyfe to experience wonders you faggots can only larp about online. it's too bad I have to be banned z0mg that really is an inconvenience to turn on a web proxy for a few mins lmao
stay mad and free Jubilation you salty little shell of human garbage anti-life
Anonymous117(116): ban evasion doesn't apply when a registered user is banned from his account and uses the public comments, but not that it matters to me shitnerd
Farfegnugen: hi Jubilation T. Cornhole, Farfegnugen here. Boners. Some anon is mad about them. Some of them are black, and that makes a lot of them mad. Some ladies say get a "Lady Boner" when they get really excited by something or trying to be funny. But I laugh whenever I say boners. HUEHUEHUEHEEHEHAHAHA!
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: dearest deadcock, you think the cornhole thing is new? heard it before, from a guy who was much more of a pest than you could ever aspire to be. A few years ago, he held the entire voting system hostage so that the only pics above 20 were of Lois Griffin. But he got shut down too and he finally gave up. Haven't seen his shit for years.
LOL at your dynamic addresses. You apparently don't know that we can ban entire blocks. If we wanted to we could ban an entire class A network, 1/256th of the internet. I'm glad to hear you are using proxies. When we ban those blocks, it shuts out other troublemakers too. You're actually doing us a service by closing those holes. Banning another block is no more effort than you making a comment.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: You don't know that banning is by IP and call ME a shithead? Accounts have nothing to do with it. Banning and account deletion are two independent operations. Usually done together, but not the same thing.
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Me: Oh what fresh hell is this :D
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just why?
I'm ready to see a good featured image for once
I hate my life now...
Then I saw this on my page and gave up on getting aroused tonight.
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Don't get a wrong idea just because we feature nice stuff every now and then ;)
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Not my childhood!
...not that pornographic. Childhood intact.
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bleach time
and stop blocking my comment for fucks sake
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Like I said.
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Iudicio induxisti super orbem terrarum.
Who the hell is the father
This isn't even porn, this is worse than the heart fuck picture
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ahhhhhh too bad I have to be banned when I can comment any time I want and there's nothing your chapped assmad subhuman gork ass can do about it. it's too bad I have to be banned when I care not even hardly at all 4 cartoon porn and this is the most casual of interests for me and I come here every once in a blue moon for a few seconds to see street fighter 34 and then carry on with my adult male lyfe to experience wonders you faggots can only larp about online. it's too bad I have to be banned z0mg that really is an inconvenience to turn on a web proxy for a few mins lmao
stay mad and free Jubilation you salty little shell of human garbage anti-life
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LOL at your dynamic addresses. You apparently don't know that we can ban entire blocks. If we wanted to we could ban an entire class A network, 1/256th of the internet. I'm glad to hear you are using proxies. When we ban those blocks, it shuts out other troublemakers too. You're actually doing us a service by closing those holes. Banning another block is no more effort than you making a comment.
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or most cursed picture in this sphere
is hangin on my wall
it reminds me
how much doomed humanity really is .