Anonymous3: No, no, no, no, no, powerofvoid, BLACK, and RED are commonly enemy colors. White and green are almost always ally colors, red and blue alternated between sides. Black is always a dick though.
Anonymous5: Guys, enemy or ally colors is about the color wheel. Colors next to each other on the wheel are allies. Colors across from each other are enemies. And now my boner's gone. This is awful.
Anonymous6: Damn it Anon3. Green and white can be spectacularly evil and black and red can be extremely good. Blue straddles the line between the self and the community, not good and evil. Look at Kamigawa, a set with a black protagonist and a white villain.
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Also, now that I look at it, the guy seems kind of like Gideon, which would explain the wibbliness -- Red and White are enemy colors.