Chef_Retardee: This is for 'official' stuff only, things like poorly known webcomics are a bit grey, but in a case like this Babs is the only thing getting tagged.
Anonymous2: Damn it BBMBBFag we get it already
You want to screw Babs because you are forever alone in Peru or Chile whatever WE GET IT FURFAG WE.GET.IT
Anonymous3: I seriously don't get it what is this fags problem? Hey pietro you have brain damage autism or just plain stupid? I never seen anyone else that would request so much drawings of himself besides Lupine. And for what? You are very close to becoming one of those sad pathetic piece of shit that visits FA just to post (your) crap. Did you become upset after i shot your relatives in Iraq?
ronn97: deathstriker you seems to have twin identity, i see lots of your comments on same page where pietro's uploads are. You wouldn't be one who spreads the bullshite around? I mean talk about coincidence...
ronn97: btw i never heard about bbmbbf b4 is Pietro Bambino really he's name? Because it sounds like some italian spice brand in other words just too made up.
deathstriker: What are you talking about ronn97? I dont go samefaging like the anons do just to have some conversation with myself and/or appear to have many supporters in my cause against BBMetc. I just hate anon hypocrisy and anons in genrall.
If you dont believe me then ask any of the moderators to check my IP and the IP of the Pietro bashers.
Anonymous4: Biggus Dickus says: Don't be so sure that will work. I got banned a while back in that incident with Carlitos whatever a while back because we have the same IP for some reason. I am not Carlitos, and found him just as annoying as the rest of you.
Watcha: @deathstriker: IP doesn't provide SHIT never has and never will you might as well be chatting from same public wifi access... But who the fuck is bbmbbf? I heard he has some kind of website like drawnsex at least many say bbmbbf draw really shitty. I've seen few pictures seems ok, must be because other furfags can't stand furry inserts... Geez of all fandoms furfags are most shitted up. bbmbbf my advice try to draw babs without your fursona insert [A TEST] if that will have negative comments than bingo you have followers but if not it means u just have some weird idiots commenting on your fursona... Fursona wars shit gets bigger since famwille...
deathstriker: my advice try to draw babs without your fursona insert
BBMBBF, my advice: Do with your money and/or your art what the fuck pleases you and let the haters go screw themselves.Your money/art, your call. Basically do what you do so far.
Importand note @Watcha: that was not directed towards you, but towards Pietro haters.
Anonymous6(3): deathstriker you are seriously one of those bitches that spy on others and definitely have a dual identity. Question is who's bitch are you? Now you claim to be a defender of "one" yet later you smear mud in those same people. Real people don't give a fuck about this drama, yet you show high signs of interest in all this.
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You want to screw Babs because you are forever alone in Peru or Chile whatever WE GET IT FURFAG WE.GET.IT
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People is Mad here ^^
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If you dont believe me then ask any of the moderators to check my IP and the IP of the Pietro bashers.
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BBMBBF, my advice: Do with your money and/or your art what the fuck pleases you and let the haters go screw themselves.Your money/art, your call. Basically do what you do so far.
Importand note @Watcha: that was not directed towards you, but towards Pietro haters.