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Evil_Lord_Proteus: Guro Trash can fuck off.
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Anonymous1: One, I think this is a repost. Not that I want to go back and check.

Two... What's the obsession with corpses? I mean, let's be honest. VERY, VERY few people fetishize death. Even fewer enjoy mutilation.

And yet, in these pictures it's always composed in such a way that makes it appear that not only are these things accepted, but by a LARGE community. That this isn't the work of an individual, but the commonplace occurrence in some sort of town or city. It just baffles me. Do these people think that the rest of us enjoy these strange things, just that we're unwilling to admit it, over the much more reasonable and logical thought... That they're sick, and we're not?
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Executioner: You know deep down inside Anon 1 were all wild beasts.
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Anonymous2: You seem mad bro
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Executioner: I'm not mad =D I'm just laughing at how much Anon 1 denys the true beast that is humanity.
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Anonymous3: ^ No, not all of humanity fap to gore and corpses, nor do all of us fap to people beinf pissed on, and VERY few of us fap to corpses being pissed on.
You aren't the human race, so go fuck yourself.
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Anonymous4: anon3 i agree with, and I think that only sick people fap to this, people who have no respect for others but who does not like to be disrespected in such a way as having your body mutilated and humiliated so so sickly.
some patients always have to fap to this.
I am in favor of prohibiting this type of sick post.
I think no one deserves this kind of humiliation no matter what she has done is like kicking dead cat has no sense.
if one has to be punished with death kill and done, no humiliation.
not do to others what you do not want for yourself.
but is you want a mutilation and umilhation i think it's okay but sickly.
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Anonymous5: Then I'm in favor of prohibiting whatever it is you enjoy. Ultimately, it's the choice of whoever runs the site. I'm not sure of his stance. But beyond that, you can go fuck off, die, and get used as a toilet. No one cares what you're in favor of. Your opinion doesn't matter.
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Anonymous6(1): A1 here to just make a quick comment.

These aren't the acts of a beast. Beasts don't go down this kind of path. And while it's true that it takes humanity to make a monster such as... Well, I won't be naming names, but the point is quite simple.

That you're sick enough to enjoy this doesn't mean that everyone will, or that I'm denying anything about humanity in disliking this.

Your flaws are not mine. Accept the monster you are, that's fine. Just don't assume I'm the exact same monster.

Also, I'm not asking Guro to be banned. At least with it postable we know who enjoys this kind of thing. I only said that it might be a repost.
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Anonymous7: Some people just have monsters inside them. I am a perfectly normal person and I got normal feelings, but if some gave me the authority to rape and torture women, I would do it without thinking about it, I have a very sadistic side in me wich at times is hard to keep under control.
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Executioner: @Anon 8: You win many internets for being honest... I too have a beast within.

@Anon 4: Just killing and being done with it would be a waste though.

@Anon 6: were all monsters... or are you a vegan who doesnt use anything that involves dead animals?
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Anonymous8: Cartoon death and gore is nowhere near as disgusting as the real deal. I do not think every freak who jacks to this would be okay with taking someones life. That is like saying people who watch horror films are sociopaths.
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Executioner: @Anon 9: You win many many MANY internets =D
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Anonymous9(1): A1 (and A6) for the last comment of the night from me.

Did I say I wasn't a monster? No, I said I was a different kind of monster entirely. I am not a beast. Animals do not do as such. As I said. This is the creation of a monster, and enjoying it makes you one as well.

But this does not mean I am not a monster for being opposed to it. As I said, I'm just a different breed of monster entirely.

To be blunt, while you would revel in this kind of thing, given the freedom to do so. And while people like A8 would be a different but similar creature, if allowed to do so.

But if I was given utter freedom? I would destroy creatures such as both of you, and leave your corpses discarded and ignored. Never to be seen, never to be touched again. Blood on cold stone. Nourishing nothing. Becoming nothing. To decay as such, to return to void, and no more.

For in my world, you are without value. Too corrupt to even be food.

As I said. Entirely different breed of monster.
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Executioner: @ Anon 10: So your a killer also... if you strip down the excuses it is the same.

Me and Anon 8 awknoledge it and in your own way so do you yet you claim to be holier then thou (which is a kind of monster as well)
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BrickShitHouse: Wow Anon10, tone down the "holier than thou", nobody likes that kind of person.
It's true that this picture may be disgusting, but at the end of the day, it's just a drawing, and if you want someone dead for a drawing, you can just go fuck yourself because you are the scum holding society back.
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Ambivalent: Pfft ha. Ok firstly, obviously none of you would ever kill because, let's be honest, none of you leave your basement. Secondly, you might think your satisfying some deep mysterious monster but really your just being a monkey with a gun that's too stupid to direct its emotions. Grow some brain cells and get some self control. Gore and torture fetish in 2012, pathetic.
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Executioner: @Brick: You are AWESOME =D
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Sintime: Wow Executioner, what about all those things you said in pm's about your Guro only being "fantasy" and not having any bearing on your psych.
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Krawczyk: ITT all cats are evil monsters.

Well, ok maybe they're right, but they're cutely snuggable huggable monsters! Now lets go RIP AND TEAR some bitches up!

also I lol @ this being done with a gun. If it was, then THAT IS MY FUCKIN' KIND OF GUN, HOOYEAH

Maybe she got attacked by a Martian.
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Executioner: @Sintime: I still stand by the fact that I havent killed anybody in real life =D I just use guro fantasy to feed the beast so to speak.
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Anonymous10: I always wanted to work as a mortician because I find both equally hot and if I do have to 'go that way' I will but if I am just lucky enough to happen upon a car crash before anyone else then a body(part) or two might go missing....
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Executioner: @Anon 11: So your saying if not for guro fantasies you'd build up until you act it out, hince guro saves lives =D
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Krawczyk: I've been too lazy to go 'paint the town red' for ages, myself. Perhaps it does!
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Sintime: Hence I stand by my claim that people who are into Guro need to be put down for good, or sterilized before they try to force themselves on someone.
We both know you would be acting out Guro if you could Executioner.
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Executioner: There's where yourwrong, it isnt I'd act out Guro, it's if I didnt have a vent such AS Guro then the desire'll build up unchecked

therefor like I said Guro actually saves lives.
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Sintime: Then you are thereforce admitting you are some wannabe killer who's dependent on something to keep their inner desire to kill down.
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Executioner: @Sintime: I'm just admitting to being human, Humanity as a whole has dark urges that need to be vented.

besides isnt it hypocritical to hate guro art yet love violent video games and movies?
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Anonymous11: Executioner, stop dragging the rest of humanity down to your level.
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Anonymous12(11): I for one find that gore, unless nessisary from a story telling point of view, cheapens some video games.
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Krawczyk: Me too. That pantywaist hippie needs to STAY THE FUCK OUTTA MY GAMES with his oh wasting electricity on frivolous entertainment causes global warming nonsense.
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Sintime: Well seeing the reaction from Executioner's pics has taught me something at least.
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BrickShitHouse: Anon13, shut your face and go play Doom, that'll man you up.
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Executioner: @Brick: An alternative could be "Corpse Party" for the PSP, that has it's fare share of gore as well.
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Anonymous13: BRAIN BLEACH STAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Anonymous14: What.the.fuck.
Ooooooooh okay...
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Anonymous15: OK. I'll attempt to settle both arguments here. nobody should be branded a beast or a monster. some people like this stuff? fine. okay. your little world, not ours. That goes the same for people who don't. Keep your fetishes away. People like executioner need to stop trying to compare to others, who are not the same. EVERYONE is different. And A1, no offense, but If you don't like the picture, don't click on it. and if you do, the best thing to do is not COMMENT on it. If it offended you, never visit this link again.
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Anonymous16: Executioner, violence/gore does not define humanity, and you are a pathetic cockroach for thinking that way. Would you ever find this depicted scene anywhere in nature, other than the demented minds of people that watch horror movies and fantasize about killing for killing's sake? No, you would not.

The fact that you claim guro is something that builds up and must be vented is most disturbing. That's basically saying that without these retarded images you would be forced to kill someone and piss/cum on their mutilated corpse. And you're still trying to convince us that this is "natural", or that this is somehow in the same category as violent movies/games. Right.

It's funny how insane people think that the rest of the world is insane but them. People that draw this stuff turn into serial killers later in life, or at least desire to do so.
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Anonymous17: Wow, this is so wrong in so many levels... I can't believe some people get aroused with this.
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Ambivalent: Onlys pussys need to validate their manhood with gore. What are you, a chimp? Grow a fucking brain.
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RebelKomodo: So much mad on this page. Just saying I hate seeing Taki cut up and I can't fathom how someone gets off to this... But on the other hand, fetishes like guro develop not because someone is particularly sick in the head but because of exposure to it. It's not something to chide someone over. If they're fine with it and it doesn't interrupt their day to day life, fine, but if it gets to the point they're looking at real gore or something and not thinking "I should report this to the police" but instead "aww yeah, gonna jack off" ...

Then it's time they get psychologically evaluated. And stop with this beast/monster/animal talk. Animals kill to survive, prove dominance and the like, not to get sexual release by horribly mutilating a member of their species' corpse. Yes male dolphins and chimps have been known to use other animals in potentially lethal (to the other animal) ways as sex toys but then they don't hack them into pieces or purposely try to inflict harm. A chimp isn't using a frog as a fleshlight because it wants to hurt the frog, it's using it cause it feels good and the chimp doesn't recognize the frog as another being.
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Anonymous18: Next Cannibal Corpse album cover anyone?

Anyway, each to his own, but I honestly cannot see how anyone would jack off to this. I draw stuff like this sometimes, (without all the piss) but only when I'm extremely angry at someone. Necrophillia is not considered a fetish, it is a mental illness. I can get drawing this for hate, (I'm a very hateful person), but for PORN?

Can someone please explain to us WHAT about this picture Is sexually arousing?
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korblborp: Ex, killing and eating an animal to survive is natural; torturing, mutilating, and then killing said animal, and getting off on the whole thing is a whole different boat. All humans may be "beasts" deep down-we've never stopped being animals- but it's abherrant minds and actions that make monsters. If you honestly think this ^ is normal, and that images such as this are *keeping you from acting the subject matter out*, then you -without casting aspersions on you as a person- are a monster.
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korblborp: Also, I do enjoy violent games and movies, yet have no yearning to murder anyone. There is a difference between a fantasy and an urge, and when the line starts blurring... Anyway, I have drawn what I believe to be a fitting tribute.
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Anonymous19: Well, think about this. If we're entitled to our own interests in paheal, why is toddlercon disallowed and this quite graphic image allowed? Why is it wrong to fap to minors while it's not to the brutal and unatural mutilation of a living creature? And to those saying the beasts inside, nothing about this is natural, beasts of the wild do this to survive, not to achieve some sort of fetish, nor would a beast know what a fetish is in the first place
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Anonymous20: "Beasts of the wild" decapitate people, slice open their skulls and pee in them in order to survive? Nature is WEIRD.
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ThatLankyBastard: I do find it funny how Executioner says he's just giving humanity what it needs...

...face it Executioner, your just a troll...
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Executioner: I actually loled at the idea that this convo's still going on without me.
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Anonymous21: disgusting ... i hate pee stuff....
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FuckingShit: People take Guro too seriously. xD

Sure, you have to maybe be fucked up, in some capacity, to draw it. Maybe even fucked up to fap to it. But I can understand the reason behind the fetishization of Guro.

Hentai is not reality. There's much more of an emphasis on extremes in Hentai. I think the underlying reason for an attraction to Guro is more psychological than anything else. That being, typically, and ESPECIALLY with this sort of stuff (as in, Ayaswan's); COMPLETE and total dominance and objectification of women.

I'm not a huge fan of this stuff myself, but it doesn't bug me. Sure, this sort of thing would be absolutely terrifying and gut-wrenching in real life. That's not the point.

I don't think there's a correlation between finding this sort of material arousing and finding real violence arousing in the slightest. I know for a fact that a lot of the content I find arousing in Hentai wouldn't have the same effect on me in real life, when it comes to the extremes. I mean, I've fapped to some weeeeird shit in my time. Doesn't reflect my "real girl" preferences, per se.

It's perfectly possible to have extreme fetishes and be a functional, healthy person. Just 'cuz you fap to Loli hentai doesn't mean you're a pedophile, for example. Open-mindedness is your friend. Or maybe the internet has just completely desensitized me, I dunno.
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Anonymous22: I just wanted to see Soul calibur porn, not some disgusting sub-human cave painting.
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Anonymous23: Personally I find guro to be all kinds of fucked up, but as long as the people who enjoy don't replicate it in real life whats the big deal?
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Anonymous24: shut up and enjoy your fap you pretentious faggots. quit ruining this perfectly good fap material with whining and complaining about OMG SO HORRIBLE. yeah this drawn Drawn DRAWN content is pretty damn terrible, did i mention this is only drawn? Nah man, i have without a doubt anyone would realize this is just drawn content of mutilation appealing to those with that sorta fetish. i mean, considering its drawn and all and im fapping to it. oh man, did i forget to mention its only drawn? probably did. it's drawn pretty nicely, i see tits. tits are drawn, yup everything in this picture is completely drawn. But this also raises another question. Why are faggots overacting at something that is drawn? Who knows but it's a nice drawn piece of work that makes mine and a couple of people's dick rise. Drawn mutilation content that is graphically drawn to detail for the sake of our strange fetish. yup just like scat, furries, ponies, and other monstrosities. at least i find some comfort in this DRAWN material that produces great fap time. yep. everything is drawn these days and yet we fap to it without having to hear bitching. man if anyone can't handle a bunch of drawn shit like this then they have no business on the internet. drawn guys, i think this is pretty much fiction on the basis that its only, well, should i even say it? Drawn.
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Anonymous25: male version would be better
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Sonichu: Anon25,


you creepy fuck.
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Anonymous26: Oh gawd mah sides
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Anonymous27: @Anonymous: I don't know about you, but the entire Mayan civilization fetishized death. Any religion/society/culture that respected, condoned, or depicted sacrifices/birth/martyrdom have put death on a pedestal.

As for this pic, though? This is some serious fucking misogyny. I get turned on by violence, but it takes some serious hatred of women to see them objectified THIS much.
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Anonymous28(15): Anon 16 hit the nail on the head. seriously, guys.
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semenhuzi: shit artist ever
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Furry_Lordess_Power: OKAY Remember the words of the Great Lawgiver: Beware the beast man, for he is the Devil's Pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport, or LUST, or GREED. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in gret numbers, for he will make a desert of his home, and yours. Shun him, for he is the Harbinger of Death. Alright, the first one of you who names which movie that is from gets extra WIN POINTS!!!! But really guys. stfu.
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Furry_Lordess_Power: OKAY Remember the words of the Great Lawgiver: Beware the beast man, for he is the Devil's Pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport, or LUST, or GREED. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home, and yours. Shun him, for he is the Harbinger of Death. Alright, the first one of you who names which movie that is from gets extra WIN POINTS!!!! But really guys. stfu.
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Anonymouse1337: OH!!! IKNOW THIS!!! Planet of the Apes!!! Great use of it, btw.
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Anonymous29: This attractive and successful African has mommy issues. So does the mods that allow this sort of trash.
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Schnoofles: Lol, angry kids on the internet thinking anyone gives a shit when they're offended.
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Anonymous30: lol people argue like someone actually died for this pic
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Anonymous31: Typical Japanese toilet, wut u want?
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Anonymous32: Anonymous13: I think the only reason I even click on a guro pic is to read the arguements! XD
The pictures themselves don't bother me, nor dp I get aroused from seeing them, but I just absolutely love reading all of the arguements that ensue just because of a picture! XD
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Anonymous33: It really is extremely interesting subject you're written here..The truth I'm not related to this, but I feel is actually a great opportunity to learn a lot more about, And as nicely speak about a different subject to which I used to speak with others aaa louis vuitton
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Anonymous34: Ironic how 40 years ago the same comments would have been posted if this was a picture of two guys having anal sex. I wonder what will be accepted in 100 years and what will be seen as horrid.
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Ricky_Roma: Futa still probably.

But srsly what else is left!?
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SpunkMaster69: Looks like more fun than the average urinal to me.
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Anonymous35: @FuckingShit: Nail on the head, my friend. Nail on the head. Had a girlfriend who knew about my Guro interests and was absolutely baffled, asked me to try and explain it. Not an easy thing to do but the simplest generalization of the fetish is domination to the ultimate extreme to which it can be taken. As in all things there are degrees, and at one end of the dom spectrum are furry handcuffs and at the other is Guro like this.

The problem most anti-guro people have is that they are unable to recognized the separation of fantasy and reality, or accept that enjoying guro does not innately translate to wanting to be a serial killer. People who know me personally always do a double take when they learn about my guro interests as I'm very much not that person IRL.
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Anonymous36: Why do people think you must "hate women" if you fantasize about chopping them up and eating them? Who says I don't fantasize about doing it to GUYS too? Who says I don't fantasize about having it done to ME? (By someone else who finds it a turn on to chop me up and eat me, or they are willing to do it to be nice, not because they hate me for being a pervert). I dont understand why other people don't find it a turn on to have it done to them (or at least fantasize about it a little). I don't even understand how it's PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE not to be turned on by a sexual fetish just because you are aware that it EXISTS. And no, you are NOT allowed to dislike me for this I can't choose it and besides everyone in the universe has to like me. :)
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Anonymous37: @Executioner:
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berrybertunz: for a minute there I thought this was a soemele image
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maldhe1: @SpunkMaster69: More fun than any urinal I've ever seen before I'd say.
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The357: Gotta love seeing her womb where her brains presumably once were. xD And we need more art of this whore getting destroyed!
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Anonymous38: soul calibur needs fatalities, like in mortal kombat
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Anonymous39: Taki is such a stuck up cunt, this was bound to happen to her.
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Anonymous40(39): her humiliating demise put on display and the onlookers piss on her
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Anonymous41: Oh that to Tira...Taki does'nt deserve this
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Anonymous42: quad amputee sex slave would've been hotter, too bad she crossed the wrong person
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Anonymous43: @Executioner: speak for yourself uncultured cunt.

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