Anonymous8: kind of funny how Sakura is missing from the pic seeing how she a huge sasuke fangirl. this is also missing Tsunade, Shizune, Konan, and Fu/Yugato. Female jinchuurikis need more love.
Anonymous10(6): Anon8 please, no more women for duckhairs.
Stopme, retype678, and yumad are pretty...delusional. I see Naruto has much hentai, I see that. But what the three blind mice doesn't see is that right now, Sasukexgirl hentai nows outnumbers Naruto's. They already "prove" he isn't gay; and they post the same shit over again.
Anonymous12(9): Sasuke is a kickass character and you haters just mad because he doesn't look as retarded and unfapable as Naruturd in picks, Sasuke has style and dominate command of the situation, Naruto's hentai is just massive bushins and generic fucking. Anyways I love how Karui looks and Kushin even tho her body is mostly censored.
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Also DAT KARUI!!!!!!
Stopme, retype678, and yumad are pretty...delusional. I see Naruto has much hentai, I see that. But what the three blind mice doesn't see is that right now, Sasukexgirl hentai nows outnumbers Naruto's. They already "prove" he isn't gay; and they post the same shit over again.
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All these comments on the day it was uploaded..., just wow!
@Anonymous: That's Pretty true in Karakishi's world.
@TheDane: Yes, I Know.
(looking at picture) Totally NOT Unfapable...
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